[fgmlug] Re: Lists, what to post where?

  • From: Tom Brown <tbrown@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: fgmlug@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 03 Mar 2010 08:26:23 -0500

Here are examples of list scopes I'd like to see which amplify what Chuq has already listed.

1. FGM-DEV (private)

Dev issues sometimes involve information that we would rather not share publicly but need to share with each other.

* FGM & FGMLUG web sites
* YMCA wireless network
* FGM computer lab
* kiosk systems
* Internet access for warehouse/workshop
* fundraising programs

2. FGM (public)

FGM program operations and issues in general, particularly if there is no specific list to handle the topics. Development issues for FGM programs would probably land on fgm-dev. Once individual programs are sufficiently developed, they might require their own list or forum.

* FreeBox program such as warehouse and workshop ops, FreeBox classes
* FreeLab operations and issues
* FreeLan operations and issues
* FreeWire operations and issues
* Requests for FGM web site features and changes

3. FGMLUG (public)

* All issues pertaining to operating and expanding FGMLUG
* FreeBox support/training
* General GNU/Linux support/training
* Requests for FGMLUG web site features and changes

4. FGM-BOARD (private)

I think the Board needs a private list so members can freely discuss issues. If someone wants to know what issues are before the Board, they can refer to minutes of meetings on the FGM web site or come to the meetings. Board meetings are open to any volunteer, and volunteers can contribute to discussions at Board meetings.


Announcements of meetings and changes to meetings, closures, special events, etc., should be posted on the FGM list since they are not frequent and are important. Some groups create a separate "announcements" list and automatically subscribe members of other lists to it. Announcement lists tend to be low volume and reduce cross postings. The announcements don't have to be limited to FGM functions. NDLUG meetings, Ohio Linux Fest and other meetings and events relevant to FGM/FGMLUG volunteers and members would be fair game. Announcement lists are one-way posts, no conversations. Conversations belong on a discussion list.

Do we need an announcements list?


chuq wrote:
Like I stated earlier from what I remember at a lug meeting and a dev group meeting was that the idea for having the various lists was to minimize the amount of mail that fgm list users would receive due to our bantering back and forth, talking about software and hardware issues, distros, etc... unless of course it related directly to the warehouse operations.

So if my memory serves me correctly this is the run down of what should go where:

FGM List -- Warehouse schedule changes, closures, etc, FGM News, FreeBox info, etc along those lines -- I believe any announcements such as Lug Meetings should be announced on both lists as there are a few LUG list users who are not on the FGM list, and that would be a good way to cross promote the LUG. FGMLUG -- bantering back and forth, software, hardware issues, anyhting not directly related to FGM, Warehouse, or its operations therein. Devgroup -- by invite only, those who are there know what goes there.. (I guess that would be a good way of putting it! lol)

If I do not remember this correctly please someone who was present clarify this. (Tom)


Either I have clarified this, or really just made a muck of things!

On Tue, 2010-03-02 at 09:17 -0500, Mike Cook wrote:
Is it your position then that all discussion of software and hardware should be 
confined to the LUG list unless a specific application to FGM and the warehouse 
is evident? Would this include LUG announcements? General discussion of 
software used in the warehouse? Should general chatter between volunteers be 
allowed? Does anyone have any comments or suggestions?

-----Original Message-----
>From: Chuq Jackels <chuq00@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:chuq00@xxxxxxxxx>>
>Sent: Mar 2, 2010 7:27 AM
>To: fgmlug@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:fgmlug@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>Subject: [fgmlug] Re: Lists, what to post where?
>I believe that Tom requested that anything not directly relating to FGM and the warehouse to go to the lug list aside from info that needs to be on the dev list. >

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