[etni] Fwd: further Facebook issues

  • From: ETNI list <etni.list@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: Etni <etni@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 16 Apr 2011 11:13:56 +0300

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: laurie ornstein <laurenmadeline@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: further Facebook issues

Hi Everyone,

Although I am not yet ready to use Facebook with my pupils, I have
been following this engaging thread.

Privacy has been a headliner here. And I'd like to expand on this in
another direction.

As many of you know, I work in the Negev Bedouin Sector. Recently, a
well-meaning teacher-librarian in one of the schools helped a female
pupil to open a Facebook account. However, this educator did not take
into account then the possible implications of the social network on
the girl. Not long after, this teen was "caught" by a male family
member chatting with a boy on Facebook. The result was her being
pulled out of school by her family and she has not been allowed to
return to her studies despite efforts made by the school and other
concerned educators. This very bright young woman's life has been
ruined by this incident. Of course, she should have taken personal
responsibility for her deeds but I'm not sure she herself understood
how she could be "seen" and if she had thought this through carefully.
It's clear that the educator who helped her connect, did not sit down
with her and explain all the sides of Facebook to this pupil.

I  realize that this is not the situation with the majority of pupils
in Israel. However, I sincerely ask you to think hard and long before
connecting with your class via Facebook. Make sure that none of your
pupils will be hurt by such a move. I'm sure there are many
traditional families that might have serious problems with such social
or educational connections.

On the eve of the holiday of freedom, let me wish those celebrating
Pesach, Chag  Sameach
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