Re: Ubuntu Lucid repository version of emelfm2 -- icons [FIXED]?

  • From: "Prof. John C Nash" <nashjc@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: emelfm2@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 27 Aug 2010 13:20:03 -0400

Liviu was right, the repositories have 0.4.1. Somehow in the builds I'd got some files left around. I've purged them now. The 0.4.1 install has the icons. I then purged this and installed from the converted rpm of 0.7.3, which is also OK.

I've seen this before with packages, and should have been more aggressive in removing all traces, which in this case were in several different places.

In any case, now fixed so I can work with it.



On 08/27/2010 12:22 PM, Liviu Andronic wrote:
On Fri, Aug 27, 2010 at 6:49 PM, Prof. John C Nash<nashjc@xxxxxxxxxx>  wrote:
By installing libmagic-dev, I was able to build version 0.7.3 OK.


I noted that the Ubuntu version (0.7.0) when run from a terminal gives

I'm still curious what's the source for this Ubuntu package.

/usr/lib/gio/modules/ wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64
Failed to load module: /usr/lib/gio/modules/

but the built version does not.

However ..... the icons are still only partially there. On my Asus UL30A
running Ubuntu Lucid, both give about 60% of the icons as a default "no
good" type icon.

That's strange. I am running Xubuntu Lucid on an UL20A, fresh install,
with 0.7.3 also a fresh install, and I have no such issues.

emel makes extensive use of 'stock' icons, if I understand correctly,
icons provided by the GTK icon theme. For the rest it uses those icons
contained in Config>  Interface>  Icons>  path. It might happen that
your active Icon theme is incomplete. But Tom should know better.

I suspect there are one or more incorrect paths or
permissions or names, but don't know where to look to fix this. It seems
like a bit of bookkeeping that can likely be easily fixed, and I'm willing
to help, but am mostly an R and Perl programmer.

If someone is interested, I can send a screenshot, but suspect the list will
scrub attachments, so won't try until I hear back.

Please do so. You could for example upload it to and
link it in the e-mail. Regards



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  • » Re: Ubuntu Lucid repository version of emelfm2 -- icons [FIXED]? - Prof. John C Nash