[ebooktalk] Re: me and my I-Pad

  • From: "CJ& AA MAY" <chrisalis.may@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <ebooktalk@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 29 Oct 2013 23:45:22 -0000

Hi David. Well done!
Forgive me if I'm teaching my grandma to suck eggs but by swiping I mean you
swipe 1 finger across the screen left to right and when I say double tap, I
mean you quickly tap twice with 1 finger on an item. O.k., here we go:

Find settings on your home screen by swiping and then double tap to open
swipe to Accessability and double tap to open
double tap on Voiceover
swipe until you reach speaking rate
once hear by swiping (this time up or down) you can increase or decrease the
speech speed


Hi all

The I-Pad is up and running.  Not really done much with it as yet, but my
friend who helped me with the setting up did put the kindle app on for me.
I have managed to load two books, using my pc to purchase the books.  Am I
correct in thinking that I should be able to read the books which are not
speech enabled?  Also how do I decrease or more likely increase the reading

Next question is how to find apps.  I want to get a good app for radio
stations and also the tap tap see app.  Do I have to purchase those or are
they free and where do I find them?  Is it easier to find apps on the pc and
transfer them to the ipad, if that is possible.

Last question for now is do ipad and iphone users use screen protectors or a
special case, and if so any recommendations would be of assistance.

All for now folks.


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