[duxuser] Re: question about importing a brf file

  • From: "Ann Byrne" <dmarc-noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> (Redacted sender "annakb" for DMARC)
  • To: duxuser@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 26 Aug 2020 12:00:08 -0500

When you go to "open with" and it doesn't show Duxbury, arrow to the more dot dot dot button and enter on that. Duxbury should show up there so that you can re-establish the association. Otherwise, press the Windows key and in the searchbox type 'file association'. There will be a mile long list of file types with their associated programs. You can tab from one to the next for half an hour or so, or hold down the tab key for a few seconds, and the file types will advance. When you get to .brf, press enter on the button with the current association, and select duxbury instead.
It's a pain, but you should only have to do it once.

Good luck.
At 11:43 AM 8/26/2020, you wrote:

Yes, I do have to open it from Duxbury, but I used to be able to open .brf from file explorer. Because of a windows update, I can’t do that anymore.

Ann Foxworth

From: duxuser-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <duxuser-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> On Behalf Of Milton
Sent: Wednesday, August 26, 2020 10:34 AM
To: duxuser@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [duxuser] Re: question about importing a brf file


If the file already has the extension of BRF and you have Duxbury installed, it is probably easier to open the file using Duxbury and that way in the future all your BRF files will or should open using File Explorer.

If you have further questions or problems, don’t hesitate to ask.

Milton Ota

From: <mailto:duxuser-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>duxuser-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <<mailto:duxuser-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>duxuser-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> On Behalf Of <mailto:annfoxworth@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>annfoxworth@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Wednesday, August 26, 2020 10:15 AM
To: <mailto:duxuser@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>duxuser@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [duxuser] Re: question about importing a brf file

I just want to open it from file explorer. Duxbury used to open those automatically.

Ann Foxworth

From: <mailto:duxuser-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>duxuser-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <<mailto:duxuser-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>duxuser-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> On Behalf Of Jill (Redacted sender "jhqbraille" for DMARC)
Sent: Wednesday, August 26, 2020 10:13 AM
To: <mailto:duxuser@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>duxuser@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [duxuser] Re: question about importing a brf file

If you import it to notepad you will be able to safe it as a brf file which Duxbury can open. Notepad saves defaulted to txt so you need to change it to brf. J

-----Original Message-----
From: <mailto:annfoxworth@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>annfoxworth@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
To: <mailto:duxuser@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>duxuser@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Wed, Aug 26, 2020 11:09 am
Subject: [duxuser] Re: question about importing a brf file

George, when I try to open a .brf from file explorer, I get an error message that asks me to identify what app I want to open it with. How do I get my computer to recognize Duxbury as the program with which to open that?

Ann Foxworth

From: <mailto:duxuser-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>duxuser-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <<mailto:duxuser-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>duxuser-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> On Behalf Of <mailto:george@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>george@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Wednesday, August 26, 2020 3:02 AM
To: <mailto:duxuser@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>duxuser@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [duxuser] Re: question about importing a brf file

Before you open the file, go to DBT's Global: Formatted Braille Importer.

There is one check box labelled: “Read formatted braille without interpretation”.

Check that and open the file again.

Image of dialog described above


-----Original Message-----
From: <mailto:duxuser-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>duxuser-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <<mailto:duxuser-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>duxuser-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> On Behalf Of Jeanne Fike
Sent: 25 August 2020 23:30
To: <mailto:duxuser@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>duxuser@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [duxuser] question about importing a brf file


I've downloaded and imported a brf file. My question is how do I maintain the page numbering of the book that was brailled by a library for the blind? The book is in AmericanUEB.


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