[duxuser] Re: pesky para's

  • From: Lloyd Rasmussen <lras@xxxxxxx>
  • To: duxuser@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 04 Mar 2005 09:12:56 -0500

In a .dxp file you could highlight a range of paragraphs, then press Alt-L, O to convert that range into a single block with its hard returns converted to spaces. I don't use this command nearly as often as Alt-L, J, which preserves the line endings in a style such as a heading, but this might work for you.

Using Window-Eyes, I don't find highlighting in DBT to be all that difficult. You do need to keep track of what mode you are in. For instance, ctrl-H toggles highlighting mode for the un-shifted cursor keys. If you highlight some material and then delete it, this turns the ctrl-H function off automatically. If you have used ctrl-H to highlight some material to be joined into a single style, the completion of the join operation doesn't turn ctrl-H mode off as a deletion would. I have a sound efffect set for when a menu closes. The J key under the Layout menu is disabled if material is not highlighted. Alt-L opens the menu. But if J is disabled, the menu close sound tells me that this command did not take, and I need to highlight some material first.

For putting material into computer braille style, I use ctrl-shift-rightArrow, followed by a couple of shift-leftArrows to highlight the exact amount of text I want, and not apply the Comp-inline style to any trailing punctuation mark or space. Window-Eyes says what is being selected or unselected. You just have to make sure that ctrl-H highlight mode is not turned on, since you are using the shifted arrow keys instead of non-shifted.

This may sound rather confusing. Highlighting is probably quite obvious to sighted users, but unless you ask your screen reader for it, you might miss the information and therefore not try to use the feature.

At 06:23 PM 3/3/2005, you wrote:

G'day All,

I have imported a document into 10.5 that has ended up with so many <para.> </para.> codes that they are on virtually every line, hence I want to delete ALL of them (preferably NOT individually!) to re-format from scratch. How do I do this in the print doc. or the braille doc.

Ta, Alan

... Creating implements of mass instruction.
Lloyd Rasmussen, Senior Staff Engineer
National Library Service f/t Blind and Physically Handicapped
Library of Congress (202) 707-0535 <http://www.loc.gov/nls/z3986>
HOME: <http://lras.home.sprynet.com>
The opinions expressed here are my own and do not necessarily represent those of NLS.

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