[dokuwiki] Re: Installation problems: datadir

  • From: "Bill Jones" <tetragondzein@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: dokuwiki@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 15 May 2006 09:31:33 -0400

On 5/15/06, sports tg <sportstg@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Thanks. I'm not so sure how to use freenode even after reading the faq,
clicking on the link required a username and password and  to set one up it
says to do /msg nickserv register <your-password> but does not say where to
do this.

Did freenode say the nick you wanted is taken? If not, you dont have to register it; my channel does not require it. If you are using xchat type the /msg command in the freenode window -- if you are using irssi type the command in the text field where your default window is.

I've been playing around with linux for a few years but know little about
it. My path is /var/www/html/dokuwiki/data

[tom@localhost dokuwiki]$ ls -all
drwxr-xr-x    8 nobody   1000         4096 May 11 18:20 data

Does that help or should I do something else?

Execute this perl code form inside the data directory:

#!perl -w

my $pwd = `pwd`;
my $target;
my $dir = '/';
my @targets = split(/\//,$pwd);
my $index = $#targets -1;

system("ls -Adl $pwd");
foreach $target (@targets) {
   $dir .= $target;
   system("ls -Adl $dir");
   last unless $index--;


use the command perl xdir [enter]

where xdir is whatever you called the script...
WC (Bill) Jones -- http://youve-reached-the.endoftheinternet.org/
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