[softwarelist] Re: Unexpected behaviour/bug manually deleting page in OVPW 2.90 (29 March 06)

  • From: Peter Newble <mailing@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: davidpilling@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2006 21:40:14 +0100

In article <qBTiyKEwm34EFwfZ@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, David Pilling
<flist@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> In message <4e577312bemailing@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
> Peter Newble <mailing@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes
> >Good point. Since caret, text selection and object selection
> >(including frames) are mutually exclusive, and limited to one
> >page

> Text selection is not limited to one page

Ah, no, good point.

> however the caret is always at one end of the text selection.

Yes, but which end depends how you made the selection -- using
either click-and-drag or shift-arrow keys it's at the point at
which you initiated the selection; if you select a word, line or
buffer using multiple clicks it's always at the start of the
selection. In both cases the caret position seems logical, so
would be an appropriate choice for current page.

> >Other actions which might usefully operate on the current
> >page if one is active, but currently don't -- e.g. the 'Print
> >sheet'

> Print current page would be popular.

Yes, I often wish a 'Print sheet' sub-dialogue were available in
all imposition modes. I seem to remember you extended 'Printers
pairs' mode to include this when I commented that it was
available for 'Pamphlet' mode but not for the
similar-but-more-useful 'Printers pairs' mode. But a 'Print
current sheet' button would be easier to put into practice,
printing the current page when in 'Normal' mode, or the sheet
containing the current page when in 'Pamphlet', 'Printers pairs',
'Galley', 'Booklet' modes, etc.

> A feature I found when doing the Windows version is Ctrl Shift
> X - "Return to caret".

Pity there's no command in the RISC OS version which would enable
this -- I can't find anything in the script language manual.

Peter Newble.

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