[softwarelist] Re: New scanner drivers...

  • From: Tim Powys-Lybbe <tim@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: davidpilling@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 6 Apr 2012 00:26:15 +0100

On 5 Apr at 21:34, David Pilling <flist@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hi,
> I've had an email from Andrew Rawnsley asking how the new scanner
> driver project is going.
> Would you like a new scanner driver and for what - it appears that
> supporting a multifunction device is possible which it never was in
> the past.
> Lets say that to make this viable, I have to sell 100 drivers at 20
> pounds each.
> I can see that the day of the scanner has gone, you can probably use a
> digital camera.

I doubted your last statement and then I did the calculations.  I use my
scanner a lot at 300 dots per inch.  To do a page of A4 this is a
maximum of 8 in by 11.5 in.  This then produces a image of 8.3 million
dots so requires 9 million or so pixels on my camera to do the same.  My
camera does 14 Megapixels, so will do a tad larger than A4 at the same
resolution.  So you are right.

Certainly in museums where they do not allow fragile documents to be
photocopied, but do allow digital photography, this camera did an
excellent job.

The problem with cameras is getting good lighting and avoiding any
trapezoid distortion, not to mention camera shake.  So perhaps this is
why I continue to use my trusty EPSON 4870.

The next question is whether any new software could be persuaded to work
on my VRPC on my Mac.  Certainly the old software gave up on me and I
have to scan with the Mac and then port to VRPC for image processing
using a favourite program or two, notably DplngScan.

Tim Powys-Lybbe                                           tim@xxxxxxxxx
             for a miscellany of bygones: http://powys.org/
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