[contestms] CMS has been used in ABC

  • From: Luca Chiodini <luca@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: contestms@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 19 May 2013 16:09:06 +0200

Big thanks to everyone who made possible CMS. We used it in a competition
among schools named ABC [0] and it worked very well even if it was running
on a low-specs machine.

I want to report two facts:
a) CWS displayed wrong information about the execution time, when the
submission took more than 1 second ( in fact 1 second was the limit time).
I've noticed that this only happens when CMS is running on a VPS (i.e. this
doesn't happen when on a real machine); AFAIK it could be a problem on how
the sandbox tries to calculate the time.
This is a very annoying problem because a user sees that his submission
seems to need a very little time (e.g., 0.2 second) but is awarded 0 points
with a "Execution timed out" message.

b) As stated on OII and IOI, "A submission that outputs the same results
regardless the input gets 0 point"'. But, despite this sentence, I haven't
seen any method to prevent this behaviour and I can't figure how it can be
easily resolved.


[0]= (in Italian)

Luca Chiodini (luca <at> chiodini.org)
ITIS Paleocapa - Informatica

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