[CTS] Re: Back to School ?

  • From: Cuffy <cuffy10@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: computertalkshop@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 14 Aug 2005 21:00:24 -0700

Time is scary stuff and as fleeting as it's reputed to be.
I use to go hunting and fishing with gramp who remembered Lincoln and then when the Apolla burned at Kennedy in 1967 one of the astronauts that died in that fire was the Operation Officr of the squadron when I was a student pilot. Every student in the outfit feared catching Grissom for a check ride because he was so strict....... all business, all the time.
From the Civil War to the moon, now the space station, and super computers...........


Russ Blakeman wrote:

My dad was born 11/32, he was also about 8 when Pearl was bombed. My
grandfather on my mom's side, before he lost it to alzeihmer's, could tell
me all kinds of odd stuff about the turn of the century (19th to 20th) as he
was born 1894 and was almmost drafted for WWI but managed to volunteer and
get a cushy job in Chicago at Navy Pier when it was still an active Naval

A guy I worked with at Plattsburgh NY would tell me about the base we went
to for tech training - Chanute (was field, then AFB, now closed and public)
in IL. Seems he was one of those people that had a parent that was older
when he was concieved (his dad remarried after being widowed - MUCH younger
wife) and seems his dad was at Chanute Field back when they did flying
training and it seems Mr Charles Lindbergh was going through air mail pilot
training in a biplane at Chanute at the same time. He was by no means famous
then but everybody knew each other and once Lindberg had the notariaty as
well as the misfortune with their son, he would write just to keep in touch.
The guy I worked with had a photo of his dad and Lindberg and a coupel other
GI's back at Chanute - pretty cool.

The older man that showed us the property my parents bought out here back in
72, who was 88 then and still hiking the woods better than us 15 yr olds,
would tell us about the area in years past and his father was a Civil War
soldier, CSA, at age 15.

Weird how the world has changed - people can't even sit in their back yards
on a summer day without passing out yet as little time as back in 66 I
remember when air conditioners were just starting to become a normal thing
in Chicago in my neighborhood of working class folks. Color TV was just
affordable about 62 or 63 yet most stations still broadcasted in BW. People
in my grandparents era married and had businesses or farms or worked 60 to
80 hrs a week, had kids, etc starting at age 14, now you can't get your kid
to leave at 24...

-----Original Message-----
From: computertalkshop-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:computertalkshop-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of Cuffy
Sent: Sunday, August 14, 2005 10:13 PM
To: computertalkshop@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [CTS] Re: Back to School ?

Almost ! I was in the service when my great grandfather died at the age of 95. It didn't seem terribly important at the time but my great grandfather was 6 years old when Lincoln signed The Emancipation Proclamation. All I ever talked to him about was hunting and fishing. when I should have been absorbing some first hand knowledge about the trying times during the Civil War. When he died they were training me to fight in another war, the Korean War, and I was 8 years old when Pearl Harbor was bombed. Three wars later I thought I had things pretty well cleaned up. Then Russ shows up and starts the vicious cycle all over again ! Thirteen, 48 or 50 stars and we seem to be still fighting the same battle. Keep it flying o'er the land of the free !

And I can point out Nebraska now !


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