<CT> Re: Linux

  • From: mwenechanga@xxxxxxxx
  • To: calmira_tips@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 10 Nov 2001 10:00:28 -0800

> I vote for Calmira for Linux
> Linux would be really useful if it had a great GUI.

     It would be nice, but there are alternatives:
I've heard that mwm (robust & fast) is now free. 
Or there's always fvwm95, it has the '95 look but 
is not so quick. (as slow as win95) 
     The GUI is XWindows, and is wonderful, it can 
be standardized across any Unix platform (plus a 
couple others).
     Linux is can do anything M$ can, but there is a 
lot to learn.  If you can get past the admin side, it's 
not hard to use.  A pre-installed system is easiest, 
but another good starting place is something like 
MULinux, which will run on a DOS drive without 
changing anything. XWindow support on 2 floppies! 
(beat that M$)

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