<CT> F-Prot 3.09 is released!

  • From: Billy Wong <bhs1989@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: freenet@xxxxxxxxxxxxx, calmira_tips@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 7 Apr 2001 00:28:25 -0400

   On the FreeNet list, the topic of antivirus programs and F-Prot for
DOS was mentioned last week.  Just the other day, F-Secure updated F-Prot
to version 3.09.  You can directly download the file here:


   The file size is about 1.2 megs so it shouldn't be that long a
   I strongly recommend everyone to get and use F-Prot.  Its a very
effective antivirus program (detects viruses the commercial ones
overlook) that even my college still uses it to this day.  And you can't
beat F-Prot's price: its free.

   ___Billy Wong___
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  • » <CT> F-Prot 3.09 is released!