[bvipilots] Re: A web page for all BVI pilots.

  • From: hadi <hadirezaei@xxxxxxx>
  • To: bvipilots@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2013 17:44:04 +0430

um no? i mean the guide that robert wrote or something
On 8/29/2013 5:39 PM, Ron Kolesar wrote:
Hadi, if you’re talking about the web pge, I gave it in the last letter last night.
But the web page is
www.airplanemanager.com <http://www.airplanemanager.com>
Then press F twice to you see the flight calculator.
Ron and current Leader Dog boz who states
"that a service dog beats a cane paws down any day of the week."
*From:* hadi <mailto:hadirezaei@xxxxxxx>
*Sent:* Thursday, August 29, 2013 6:08 AM
*To:* bvipilots@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:bvipilots@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
*Subject:* [bvipilots] Re: A web page for all BVI pilots.
Um, regarding Robert's guide... is it available in IYP documents or website?
If not can you share it with us

On 8/29/2013 12:15 PM, Robert Cezar wrote:
Hello Ron,
If you have a website that can do all of the flight calculations for you, why in the world did you ask me to write an entire missive explaining how to plan flight altitudes... a correspondence that took me over an hour to write... when you had no intention of using the information in the first place? Ron, my limited development time is valuable to over 7,000 other pilots. Please do not needlessly consume it merely for your own entertainment.
I thank you in advance.

On Wed, Aug 28, 2013 at 8:39 PM, Ron Kolesar <kolesar16417@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:kolesar16417@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

    Hi to all.
    This is mainly for those private GA flights.
    And not for IYPVA mode flights.
    Go to the following web page.
    www.airplanemanager.com <http://www.airplanemanager.com>
    Then for especially we jaws users.
    Use the insert f7 key command and hit the letter F twice or until
    you here flight calculator.
    It's going to want you to register.
    But for what we want out of the web page, you don't have to
    unless you like paying $60 per month.
    You can plug in your departure and destination icao codes and it
    will give you your leveled cruising ALT, your speed and all kinds
    of info about your flight.
    I used this web page to plug in the Dassault Falcon 7X Aircraft
    and retired my old Citation X C750.
    So you might want to give this web page a try.
    So hope this will be of some help.
    Good night to all here on the East Coast.

    Ron and current Leader Dog boz who states
    "that a service dog beats a cane paws down any day of the week."
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