[brailleblaster] Important Next Step: Locking semantic action or style for specific elements in a specific document

  • From: Keith Creasy <kcreasy@xxxxxxx>
  • To: "brailleblaster@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <brailleblaster@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2013 16:15:32 +0000


This needs some thought and discussion particularly among the developers. I 
really knew it would be one of the first things users asked about, and indeed 
it is. Let me start with the use-case:

A braille transcriber opens a NIMAS document using BrailleBlaster. The document 
contains a lot of <strong> elements which are, according to the nimas.sem file 
bolded in braille.The transcriber realises that the publisher used <strong> a 
lot more than would be desired or useful in braille so she wants to remove the 
bold symbols from the braille for specific <strong> or sections of the book 
containing <strong> elements. How do we implement this in BrailleBlaster or 

This might apply to other elements as well, such as a heading, emphasis, or a 
particular list. We are basically talking about making exceptions to the base 
semantic attribute for a specific element or group of elements  for a specific 
document and making this easy to do from the GUI.

Brandon and I talked about possibilities but I don't want to share them until 
others have had a chance to think about it.



Keith Creasy
Software Developer
American Printing House for the Blind
Phone: 502.895.2405
Skype: keith537

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