[brailleblaster] Re: Draft 2 of BrailleBlaster Design

  • From: "qubit" <lauraeaves@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <brailleblaster@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 29 Nov 2010 22:24:07 -0600

Hi John --
or should I say "go john go!"?
It sounds like you have had an active day.  I'm just getting to 
brailleblaster now this evening and have some comments.
First, as to Yuemei's question in the word processor classes, rather than 
write 3 classes for braille, print and common for shared data and methods, 
why don't you exploit inheritance and make the print and braille window 
controllers subclasses of a general windowpane class that would replace the 
common class?
Since no one knows how the implementation is going to evolve, nothing is set 
in stone until Yuemei starts working on it. But I agree it is a good idea to 
have something and change it than have no solution at all.

Second, I looked at the input and output directories and have some questions 
about the design.
First, the input classes are pretty straightforward and this is apparently 
where calls to any shared code such as tika will be called to input and 
translate different file formats.  Given the implementation of tika and its 
design to translate to text and SAX events rather than a JDOM or DOM4J, I 
still consider the use of tika to be a big question mark; but I don't know 
what else is out there that handles so many file types.
I have looked closely at parts of tika's source.  I think the design is 
good -- and indeed it was an impressive example of production quality java 
which was a big help in my learning of the language.  But I have no 
particular attachment to it if something else is better.

Finally, the output directory has a stub class defined, but I am wondering 
what functionality will go there.
Is there special processing that is needed for different embossers? What 
should go here?
If it is blank, perhaps I could do some of that, and I am wondering about 
offering to work on the input directory also, once I finish the things JohnB 
has asked me to do.

Just a thought.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "John J. Boyer" <john.boyer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <brailleblaster@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, November 29, 2010 2:33 PM
Subject: [brailleblaster] Re: Draft 2 of BrailleBlaster Design


I'm glad you like the design in general. The WPManager's main function
will be to co-ordinate the Daisy and braille windows, move them about on
the screen, etc. It's the controller in the MVC design model. Since the
Daisy and Braille windows will both need some of the same facilities,
these will be placed in the Commons class.

I'm not sure I understand your second question. The Daisy and Braile
windows will appear to the user aas described in the specification.


On Mon, Nov 29, 2010 at 12:03:08PM -0800, Yuemei Sun wrote:
> Hi, John,
> Looks great!  I have a couple of questions for the WordProcessor
> package, though.
> 1)  What's the main purpose of WPManager?  Does it act like the main
> editing platform, which will call the appropriate display window?  Would
> it have all the other UI components (menus, tool bars, etc.)?
> 2) How do we accommodate when users want to see both the braille and the
> original?  Will the Braille Display do this, ie, show the original when
> user chooses to do that, hide them otherwise?
> Thanks,
> Yuemei
> On 11/28/2010 8:25 PM, John J. Boyer wrote:
> >It is attached. A few things have been added and some classes have been
> >fleshed out a bit. The build.xml file for Ant is incomplete. I'm having
> >trouble getting Ant to work. The version on my machine is 1.6.5. I
> >installed openjdk-1.6 and it doesn't like that. I'm trying to install
> >ant 1.8.1 and hopiing for better luck.
> >
> >The org.brailleblaster.wordprocessor package has two new classes,
> >StartupScreen and TextEditor. As previously explained, the latter is a
> >bare-bones text editor for advanced users, asnd it can be invoked only
> >throuth subcommands. It does not affect the rest of the wordproceessor
> >package. I'm thinking of coding it first because of its simplicity and
> >because it will give me experience with SWT. This first version will be
> >standalone. When it is tested I will move part of it into the Commons
> >class and have WPManager call the rest on receiving appropriate
> >parameters.
> >
> >John
> >
> -- 
> Yuemei Sun
> Software Engineer
> yuemei.sun@xxxxxxxxxxxx
> 541-754-4002 ext 229

John J. Boyer; President, Chief Software Developer
Abilitiessoft, Inc.
Madison, Wisconsin USA
Developing software for people with disabilities

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