[bookport] Re: Page numbers getting out of sync

  • From: "Walt Smith" <walt@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <bookport@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 9 Feb 2006 15:11:12 -0500

Brian -

No, I don't read many indexed MP3s, but I can create a few and work with 
them. I didn't realize (maybe I didn't read thoroughly enough) that this was 
a possibility. Thanks.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Brian Buhrow" <buhrow@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <bookport@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Thursday, February 09, 2006 2:12 PM
Subject: [bookport] Re: Page numbers getting out of sync

Hello Walt.  The bug is inconsistent.  I do not know what triggers it,
but I think it has something to do with switching between indexed MP3 files
and text files.  Sometimes it works fine, as you describe, and sometimes
the problem is most annoying.  Do you read only text files, or do you
sometimes read indexed MP3 files?
On Feb 9,  2:05pm, "Walt Smith" wrote:
} Subject: [bookport] Page numbers getting out of sync
} This was reported yesterday as a desired fix and try as I might, I
} absolutely cannot reproduce it using the latest beta. I have a book in 
} format that contains, according to the BP page counter, 559 pages. No 
} what page I position myself at using straight reading, text search, or the
} next/prior page keys, the counter is always in sync with the text. I've
} randomly picked a page number to go to, then noted a string of text on 
} page; then, gone back to the start of the file and searched for that 
} and the page numbers are always the same. Yesterday's report was the first
} time this issue has been reported since I subscribed to the list over a 
} ago.
}  --
}  Walt Smith - Clearwater, FL
}  walt@xxxxxxxxxx
>-- End of excerpt from "Walt Smith"

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