[bookport] Re: About the List

  • From: "Otto Zamora" <8zamora@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <bookport@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 4 Oct 2005 21:25:09 -0400


Absolutely, because most people would be on both lists, whatever problems we
have on this list would just migrate to the other one.
As you said, more monitoring would maybe not prevent the problems, but it
would minimize them.


-----Original Message-----
From: bookport-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:bookport-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
On Behalf Of Foxtrot1
Sent: Tuesday, October 04, 2005 7:49 AM
To: bookport@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [bookport] Re: About the List

I agree.  I think most of us would be on both lists and separating them
would increase the reading burden.  A quarterly reminder of proper list use
would probably reduce the inappropriate messages to some degree.


-----Original Message-----
From: bookport-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:bookport-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
On Behalf Of Otto Zamora
Sent: Saturday, October 01, 2005 11:41 AM
To: bookport@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [bookport] Re: About the List


10 4 on the guide lines.


-----Original Message-----
From: bookport-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:bookport-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
On Behalf Of Brian Buhrow
Sent: Friday, September 30, 2005 1:42 PM
To: bookport@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [bookport] Re: About the List

        Hi Larry.  I like the idea of behavior modification, but not the
idea of yet another list.  I think a discussion of what issues people
encounter with new beta firmware is entirely appropriate on this list, and,
to be honest, the audience being who they are for this list, I suspect
almost everyone on this list would end up on the new one as well, thus
causing any resultant flaming to fill two list archives rather than one.
        I think one way to encourage more discussion of Bookport issues over
religious warfare is to have the moderator, I guess that's you or Pam or
Rob, right, post the guidelines for this list to the list, either monthly,
quarterly, or semi-annually.  When I worked at a university, managing their
central mail system, we sent out periodic notices about spam, chain letters,
and the like.  It didn't entirely bcure bad behavior, but it did curb it
significantly, and it was a good way to gently remind the users of their
responsibilities, without pointing fingers and singling folks out.
        This reminder ought to contain suggestions about how folks should
only send "me too" messages if they have a datapoint to add, or if someone
is explicitly asking for head counts on a particular question.
        I certainly understand the need for additional lists if the topic of
discussion is significantly different than the one here, but whether I'm
discussing the behavior of Bookport, the standard edition, or bookport, the
beta test edition, it's all Bookport to me, and therefore belongs on this

Just my two cents.  Additional data points welcome, flames to /dev/null or
the Recycle bin, depending on your bent.
On Sep 30, 11:49am, "LARRY SKUTCHAN" wrote:
} Subject: [bookport] About the List
} When we first created this list, we intended it to be a place where }
experienced Book Port users could talk with each other about cool tips } and
tricks and where new users could tap us pros for information about } how to
get started using this device to its full potential.  Now, } however, it has
turned into name calling and endless discussion about } topics that have
really not too much to do with Book Port (i.e. switch } to Linux).  
} How about you guys helping out a little and not all chiming in on a }
message that might not sit right with you.  In other words, as in the } case
of the Linux suggestion, instead of starting a 50 message thread on } why or
why not this would or would not be appropriate, just tap the } delete key
and move on.
} We have to realize that there are people out there that would really }
benefit from a intelligent discussion of various aspects of Book Port, } but
who are not too interested in wading through lots and lots of } traffic that
has not too much to do with the subject.  At the same time, } the list
moderators could much more wisely spend their time working on } new Book
Port features and correcting known issues over baby sitting } routy list
members and reading endless traffic about topics that, if } they were truely
interested in, they could find on other lists.
} Now, with all that in mind, we are thinking of setting up a new list }
that would pertain to Book Port beta firmware and software.  I think } that
if we combine some behavior modifications with this shift of beta } topics,
this list could truely be what it was intended to be, and the } traffic
would slow down to a manageable level.
>-- End of excerpt from "LARRY SKUTCHAN"

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