[bcbirdclub] Mystery Bird Revealed

  • From: "Roger Mayhorn" <rmayhorn@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "BCBC Listserve" <bcbirdclub@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 26 Jul 2010 20:58:43 -0400

First let me thank everyone who ventured a guess as to the identification of 
the mystery bird at  http://www.pbase.com/mayhorn/feeding_bird  There were 19 
different species guessed, but the two that topped the list were Cerulean and 
Blackpoll with Cerulean getting 6 votes and Blackpoll getting 9 votes. I have 
to agree with those who voted for 1ST YEAR FEMALE BLACKPOLL.  Here is the 
reason why. I have to admit that when I first saw the bird I identified it as a 
juvenile Cerulean, but the supercillium is not nearly as pronounced as it 
should be on a Cerulean and the eye-ring doesn't match. If you look at the 1st 
year female Cerulean in Sibley's field guide you hardly notice an eye-ring. Yet 
it is really obvious on the mystery bird. Also the dark ring under the lower 
eye ring is more pronounced on a Blackpoll as it is on the mystery bird. Then 
the other field marks fall into place - the white under-tail coverts, the 
pattern on the underside of the tail, the green head (a bit greener than usual 
I'll admit), the streaked sides, yellow throat and chest and the white 
wingbars. The Blackpoll has all of these.

I'm far from being an expert, and some may disagree with my call and those who 
gave the most votes to the Blackpoll. If someone does disagree and can give a 
better argument for another species please let us hear it. This is all in fun, 
but one thing I have learned about birders. They take their hobby seriously and 
want the identifications to be correct, which is as it should be.

Here is the list of species guessed in the order of number of votes:

Blackpoll   9
Cerulean   6
Blackburnian 3
Magnolia  3
Bay-breasted  2
Northern Parula 2
Kirtland's  2
Vireo 2
Blue-headed Vireo 2
Cape May Warbler 1
Black-throated Green 1
Prairie Warbler 1
Yellow-rumped Warbler 1
American Redstart 1
Philadelphia Vireo 1
Warbling Vireo 1
Yellow-throated Vireo 1
White-eyed Vireo 1
Brewster's and Red-eyed Hybrid 1

Thanks again,

Roger Mayhorn
Compton Mt

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