Badges - Badges Rules of Usage - Please Read

  • From: "CarlGlas" <CarlGlas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <badges@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 1 Aug 2011 13:48:12 -0500

Until further notice, Badges@xxxxxxxxxx is reserved for sensitive law 
enforcement related subjects. I am moderating Badges@xxxxxxxxxx so if you 
submit something that is open source information, i.e., something that has been 
made available to the general public, it will not be published. The reason for 
this is, the company that is hosting Badges@xxxxxxxxxx has decided to place a 
hourly limit on how many messages can be published. Therefore, I am attempting 
to keep Badges@xxxxxxxxxx reserved for sensitive law enforcement information.

On Badges@xxxxxxxxxxxxx there is no limit on how many messages are published 
per hour, but it is not a secure site either. What I mean is that where with 
Badges@xxxxxxxxxx one has to be subscribed to read archived messages. 

On Badges@xxxxxxxxxxxxx in the past, anyone could read the archives. I have 
attempted to eliminate the archives but I haven't checked to see if it is 
working, because I have been.

Therefore, Badges@freelists is reserved for law enforcement related subjects, 
just not law enforcement sensitive subjects. Basically, don't say something 
that you don't want the world to read or that could return to haunt you. 

Finally, there is Code3@xxxxxxxxxx which is for non law enforcement related 
subjects, news articles and chit-chat.

I know this may be confusing for some of you and if it is all you have to do is 
let me know and I will unsubscribe you from the lists you are having problems 
with so you won't get confused.   

I realize the list has been kind of open for a while, while I deal with some 
personal issues, but as with all things in life, there has to be order.

I thank each of you for being a member of the Badges Family and look forward to 
your longivity and participation. 

I also want to thank Kathy Rixham for sponsoring because without her 
assistance, there would be no



Other related posts:

  • » Badges - Badges Rules of Usage - Please Read - CarlGlas