<USS Avalon> Final Approach and Engagement

  • From: CptKetchum@xxxxxxx
  • To: avalon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2005 21:11:41 EST

Final Approach and Engagement
By Captain Keith Ketchum, Lieutenant Commander Anthony Manson, Senior 
Lieutenant Alder Shimbrodus, Junior Lieutenant James Monroe and Junior 
Phillipa Waterson. 
The Avalon approached the coordinates of the Ferengi Marauder that supposedly 
had the Romulan scientist aboard.
Keith sat in his office until about an hour before their arrival; then made 
his way to the bridge at a leisurely pace.  Upon entering the bridge, he walked 
to his seat, and looked over at Anthony who was watching the viewscreen.
"Status, Mr. Manson?"
"About thirty minutes until arrival, Captain."
"Good, go to Yellow Alert", leaning forward to check who was at Tactical and 
Ops, then setting back into his seat.
"Yes, Sir, Yellow Alert", tapping the button on the chair.  "Tactical, what 
is the status of the shields?"
"Shields are now up, and at 100 percent", replied Monroe.
"All Departments are showing green on the display, Commander", advised Alder 
without being asked.
"Thank you, Alder", Manson nodded.
"Ms. Waterson, take us in", Anthony leaned forward his forearms resting on 
his legs.
Keith watched him, making mental notes.  Someday, Anthony would make a good 
Executive Officer, and probably an excellent Captain.
"I have the Marauder on sensors."
"On Screen", both Anthony and Keith advised at the same time.
The screen changed to show the Marauder.  
"Prepare to open a channel, Mr. Shimbrodus, when we are closer", Keith stood 
and walked to right behind Phillipa at flight control.

Alder nodded as he, "the Marauder has detected us. They're raising shields."

"Hail them, Mr. Shimbrodus," Keith replied cooly.

A few quick commands, and Alder nodded comfirming an opened channel. Keith 
got up from his seat, "Ferengi Marauder, this is the U.S.S. Avalon. Under 
Starfleet Inspection guidelines, you are to lower your shields and prepared to 

DaiMon Lenik suddenly appeared on the screen, the view close to his face, 
"This is DaiMon Lenik. We are on a trade mission and are here to rendevous with 
Bolian freigther."

"No ships were reported to come by this way, DaiMon Lenik," Anthony responded 
behind Ketchum.

"That is none of your concerns, hew-mons. And a Starfleet Inspection would 
not be authorized unless I have broke some sort of regulations. Of what 
accusations do you have for this act?" Lenik narrowed his eyes.

"There is no accusation, Lenik," Keith gave him a stern look, "Being a 
Starfleet captain, and traveling through our space makes it my concern. Now 
then, I 
will ask one more time, lower your sheilds."

There were a few hurried bleeps, followed by a klaxon, Phillipa looked up 
from her console, "Captain, something has been beamed a board."

"What is..."


"Captain, Im picking up a second Marauder on attack vector."

"Red Alert," Anthony interjected. 

Closing the comm for a moment, trying to get his thoughts straight, "Mr. 
Shimbrodus, determine the location of whatever beamed aboard.  Alert Sierra and 
Marksbury and send in Security to assertain.  Ms. Waterson what is the time 
until the second Marauder's arrival?"

Reopening the Comm, "Lenik, it appears that you do have something that would 
trigger an inspection, perhaps holding prisoners of the Romulan Empire.  Now, 
I could let you go and allow the Romulan Fleet that is waiting on the other 
side of the Neutral Zone to come and get you, or you could stand down, and 
prepare to be scanned."

"Threats! I will not succumb to hew-mon attempts at scaring me! Raise 
shields," Lenik barked and then gave Ketchum a sneering smile, "we will see who 
the better ship."

"See you in Hell", closing the channel and turning, "Mr. Monroe, prepare 
quantum torpedoes and phasers.  Take out their shield generators and engines.  
not to blow the ship up."

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  • » <USS Avalon> Final Approach and Engagement