<USS Avalon> "Comfort"

  • From: Lyryn Cate <wistful_fancy@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: avalon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 8 Jan 2005 20:29:59 -0800 (PST)

By Lieutenant First Class Melanie Redgrave 
and Junior Lieutenant Elijah Dareth
She?d been in sick bay most of the morning, leaving only long enough to check 
in with her department. The afternoon was starting to slip by almost as quickly 
as morning had and Melanie was starting to wonder Elijah was.  

She?d been sure that Marksbury had offered to tell him what was going on, but 
maybe he was too busy to get away. He still, however, could have called to 
check on her. It wasn?t like him not to check on her. Melanie got up from her 
chair and walked a few feet away from Skyler?s bed. She reached for her comm 
badge and in hushed tones called to see where he was. 
"Redgrave to Darth. Eli, where are you?"

"Security offices," he replied, "What can I help you with, Lt. Redgrave?"  Her 
voice sounded odd.  And she hadn't ever "called" him like that before.  It 
raised some concern.  
Melanie blinked at his formality. He must have really been up set with her if 
he were pulling formality at a time like this. Melanie was honestly a little 
hurt which made her defensive. "Nevermind, Lieutenant Dareth clearly I?ve 
called at a bad time. Redgrave out."  
Elijah's brow knitted in confusion.  What in the hell was wrong with people 
today?  "Computer, locate Lt. Redgrave."  

"Lt. Redgrave is in sickbay."  That information pushed him out the door and up 
two decks to find her.  It was less than five minutes before Elijah walked into 
Skyler's room.  
"Melanie?  What's wrong?" he asked with a great deal of care and concern, 
speaking quietly.  He hadn't even known that Commander Skyler was ill.  No 
wonder she was calling him.  And he was being a professional dolt.  He moved to 
her side.  
Melanie was surprised when Elijah walked in, but she was also relieved. 
"Georgia went to get coffee." She said lamely. "I didn?t feel like being alone 
and I didn?t know why you hadn?t checked in with me. I didn?t mean to pull you 
away from work."  
He gently ran his hand down her arm.  "Technically I got off duty an hour ago.  
I was just finishing up reports from an incident earlier today.  Actually, more 
like I was staring at the wall, trying to figure out why Marksbury was chewing 
me out.  But it's not important.  I didn't know I was supposed to check in with 
you.  What's going on?  How long have you been here?"  
"I came for a little while last night. She called out to me I think." Melanie 
paused as she recalled how it felt to have Skyler?s voice whisper her name in 
her mind. "Then I came back this morning. Went to work for a little while and 
then came back." Melanie leaned into Elijah?s side, soaking in his warmth and 
taking comfort in how he felt and his smell. "And I think this may be why 
Marksbury is in a bad mood."  
"I don't know what got into her.  She laid into me and I hadn't done anything 
wrong.  Not at all."  He shook his head to clear it.  "So are you okay, Mel?" 
he asked, wrapping his arm around her and pulling her close.  
Melanie actually laughed before she started to cry. "I?ve put my sister into 
the very telepathic chaos our mother was always afraid she?d end up in, Eli. 
Sure, I?m doing bloody well."  
Elijah turned Melanie to face him, wrapping her into a hug.  He just let her 
cry as he stroked her hair back out of her face.  Elijah leaned his chin 
against the top of her head and waited patiently for her tears to exhaust 
She?d done fairly well keeping some control, but being wrapped safely in 
Elijah?s arms was just the net Melanie needed. She let go and cried until she 
couldn?t any more. When she finally pulled back a little she laughed lightly. 
"I?ve ruined your uniform."  
"It washes," he told her, kissing her forehead.  "Let's get you out of here, 
Melanie shook her head as she turned back to look at Skyler. She looked 
peaceful sleeping there. "I can?t just leave. Georgia?s not even here. Maybe if 
she were, or if Marksbury were to come back. I don?t wanna leave her alone. She 
stayed with me when I was sick, I just can?t Eli, I?m sorry."  

"Hey, it's okay, Mel.  We'll stay right here until Georgia gets back.  I doubt 
Marksbury will come back - she's preoccupied with the Manson investigation, I'm 
guessing.  I don't really know.  She wouldn't talk about it."  He gave her a 
reassuring squeeze and completely let her go.  "So, do you need anything?  
Food?  Something from your quarters?  If you wanted to change clothes, I could 
stay here..." he offered.  
"She brought Skyler in last night." Melanie told him as she looked up at him. 
She liked it when he tried to take care of her but she?d never admit it. "She 
knows who I am too. I think she somehow saw or felt what?s going on with 
Skyler. She kept telling me to stay out of her head. So don?t be to hurt or mad 
at her for snipping at you." 
"I'm trying not to.  Really, I am.  I knew something was wrong - I just didn't 
know what.  Of course it makes sense now.  Two of her friends are in sickbay 
and she has a week of non-stop training ahead of her.  No wonder she's 
stressed."  He shook his head.  "I have to say at this point, I'm really glad 
I'm not covert ops."  Elijah smiled a bit and escorted Melanie back to her 
seat.  Placing his hand on her shoulder, he said, "You didn't answer my 
Melanie smiled weakly at him. "I?m fine, Eli. I?m not very hungry and I?m still 
on duty so the uniform has to stay a little while longer in case I?m needed. 
Thank you though." Reaching up Melanie took hold of the hand that Elijah had 
put on her shoulder and held it tightly, it felt almost like an anchor to her.  
"I'll be right here," he promised, squeezing her hand as they took up silent 
vigil over Melanie's sister. 

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