<USS Avalon> A Typical Night at Home

  • From: Debra Mosqueda <mightymidgie@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: avalon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 5 Jul 2004 11:23:24 -0700 (PDT)

Patrick McEntire lay stretched out on the bed, idly
bouncing a ball rhythmically against the wall. Joshua
Garrity sat cross-legged on his bedroll pouring
through various PADDs, making copious notes, and
drinking cup after cup of coffee. After about an hour
of this, Mac finally rolled over and looked down from
atop the bed as his quiet roommate. "I'm still

Josh just nodded.

"Aren't you done yet?" Mac pushed, "They won't be
there forever. These girls are HOT and I swear this
one is dying to talk to you. You have to meet her..."

Josh shook his head, eyes never leaving the PADD in
front of him. 

"No you're not done, or no you don't have to meet
her?" Mac asked frowning.

"Exactly," Josh responded quietly, standing and
heading toward the replicator for more coffee, PADD
still in hand.

"They have coffee in ten-forward, man." Mac sighed.
"How much more do you have to read?"

Josh gestured back toward the huge stack of PADDs at
the foot of the bedroll, sipping his coffee, still
reading as he sat back down.

"What the he...JOSH!"Mac took in the stack in
disbelief. "That's got to be every engineering journal
written for the last...what...three years?"

Josh almost smiled. Holding up four fingers, he placed
his mug beside him then reached for the PADD he'd been
taking notes on.

"DAMMIT YOU ALWAYS DO THIS!" Mac bellowed. "No...not
this time. This time, you are going to go meet her.
You are doing this. You said you had a little bit of
reading to catch up on. You said you'd consider it.
This is NOT a little bit of reading, this is severe
avoidance, but see since I told her you were going to
try, you are going to..."

Josh nodded absently, still reading, still taking
notes, still sipping his coffee, only half listening
to this tyrade, which he'd heard so many times before
as to be able to recite it verbatim with his friend.

"...finish this last article and then we are GOING. WE
are going, do you understand?" 

Josh got up and went for more coffee. Mac followed,
going red. "You're not even listening are you?"

Josh didn't answer.


Josh still didn't answer. Silently he carried his
coffee back to the stack of PADDs and continued


Josh took more notes, sipping his coffee.

Mac gave up. "Fine, well, your loss. I'm going. I'm
not about to miss my chance to get to know this girl
just because you're too ...too...YOU...to meet her
friend. Don't wait up."

Josh tried not to laugh, remaining studiously focussed
on his engineering journal.

Mac stormed out. Josh breathed, relieved, spared the
pressure of social interaction. At least until
tomorrow night.

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