[audacity4blind] New plug-in: Binaural tone generator with surf

  • From: "David R. Sky" <davidsky@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: audacity4blind@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 2 Sep 2006 18:27:37 -0700 (PDT)

* bitone.ny: Binaural Tone Generator with Surf

Warning! The use of this plug-in may result in altered states of
consciousness. By downloading, installing and/or using this plug-in
you explicitly accept full responsibility for any and all effects
of its use, whether 'positive', 'negative', intentional,
unintentional  and otherwise. this plug-in is meant for your own
personal use and experimentation. There is no guarantee of any kind
for any effect from the use of this plug-in.


produces a stereo sound in which a sinewave tone of one frequency
is produced in the left (headphone) speaker, and a second tone of
a slightly higher frequency in the right speaker. The difference
between these two frequencies is called the 'beat frequency', and
according to various published research, this beat frequency can
result in the main brainwave frequency to 'align' with that beat
frequency, through a phenomenon called 'entrainment' - see 'The
Science Of Binaural Beat Brainwave Entrainment Technology - for
meditation relaxation stress management' at


{I have no affiliation with this website or company.}

According to published research, entrainment at different beat
frequencies can result in different states of awareness including
increased relaxation, alertness, lucid dreaming, and a whole host
of other states. There is a plethora of online literature which
goes into much more detail than here. Suffice to say that the
general range of the four most familiar brainwave frequencies are:

beta 14-21 hz (cycles per second) and higher;
alpha 7-14 hz;
theta 4-7 hz;
delta 0-4 hz.

If you do further research you'll find many variations on these
bands as well as additional labels and frequency ranges, plus
states apparently associated with specific frequency ranges.

In addition to the two tones, you can select whether to also
generate white noise or pink noise (white noise is higher-frequency
'hissing', whereas pink noise is a lower-frequency 'rushing'
sound). Technically speaking white noise is "equal energy per
frequency", pink noise is "equal energy per octave".

To use this plug-in, you first need to generate a stereo track in
Audacity (alt+p, s in Audacity pre-1.3, alt+t, n, s in 1.3 and
later), which creates a blank stereo track so you can generate the
stereo audio. Open the generate menu and select Binaural Tone
Generator with Surf from the drop-down menu.


1. Left channel tone frequency: from 50hz to 1000hz, default 100hz.

2. Beat frequency: from 0.1hz to 30hz, default 4hz. the tone
produced in the right speaker is the left speaker tone frequency
plus the beat frequency.

3. Background noise 0=white 1=pink: default pink noise.

4. Stereo noise (surf) frequency: from 0hz to 2hz, default 0.1 hz. If this setting is above 0hz, the noise sound will be panned back
and forth somewhere between the left and right speakers, how far
depends on the next setting:

5. Stereo surf spread - percent: between 0 and 100percent, default
80%. The larger this number the wider the surf sound will move away
from the center pan position. 0% will result in the noise remaining
in the center pan position.

6. tone to surf volume ratio - percent: from 0 to 100 percent,
default 70%. this is to adjust the relative volume of the tones and
surf sound.

8. Overall amplitude - percent: from 0 to 100 percent, default 80%.

9. Duration in seconds: from 60 seconds to 1200 seconds (ten
minutes), default 60 seconds.

I've used this plug-in with headphones, playing the generated audio
repeatedly by pressing the 'l' key (for 'loop play') on the
computer keypad.

Happy experimenting!

Written by David R. Sky, September 2, 2006.
thanks to Steven Jones for the pink noise generator from his
pink.lsp Nyquist file.
Released under terms of the GNU Public License

;nyquist plug-in

;version 1

;type generate

;name "Binaural Tone Generator with surf..."

;action "Generating binaural tone..."

;info "by David R. Sky\nUse this plug-in at your own risk - see warning printed 
in the text of this plug-in.\nReleased under terms of GNU Public License"

;control f "Left channel tone frequency" real "" 100 50 1000

;control beat-f "Beat frequency" real "" 4 0.1 30

;control noise-type "Background noise: 0=white 1=pink" int "" 1 0 1

;control surf-f "Stereo surf frequency - hz" real "" 0.1 0 2

;control spread "Stereo surf spread - percent" int "" 80 0 100

;control ratio "Tone to surf volume ratio - percent" int "" 70 0 100

;control amp "Overall amplitude - percent" int "" 80 0 100

;control dur "Duration - seconds" int "" 60 60 1200

; Binaural tone generator with Surf by David R. Sky

; September 2, 2006

#| Warning! The use of this plug-in may result in altered states of

consciousness. By downloading, installing and/or using this plug-in

you explicitly accept full responsibility for any and all effects

of its use, whether 'positive', 'negative', intentional,

unintentional  and otherwise. this plug-in is meant for your own

personal use and experimentation. There is no guarantee of any kind

for any effect from the use of this plug-in.


produces a stereo sound in which a sinewave tone of one frequency

is produced in the left (headphone) speaker, and a second tone of

a slightly higher frequency in the right speaker. The difference

between these two frequencies is called the 'beat frequency', and

according to various published research, this beat frequency can

result in the main brainwave frequency to 'align' with that beat

frequency, through a phenomenon called 'entrainment' - see 'The

Science Of Binaural Beat Brainwave Entrainment Technology - for

meditation relaxation stress management' at 


{I have no affiliation with this website or company.}

According to published research, entrainment at different beat

frequencies can result in different states of awareness including

increased relaxation, alertness, lucid dreaming, and a whole host

of other states. There is a plethora of online literature which

goes into much more detail than here. Suffice to say that the

general range of the four most familiar brainwave frequencies are:

beta 14-21 hz (cycles per second) and higher;

alpha 7-14 hz;

theta 4-7 hz;

delta 0-4 hz.

If you do further research you'll find many variations on these

bands as well as additional labels and frequency ranges, plus

states apparently associated with specific frequency ranges.

In addition to the two tones, you can select whether to also

generate white noise or pink noise (white noise is higher-frequency

'hissing', whereas pink noise is a lower-frequency 'rushing'

sound). Technically speaking white noise is "equal energy per

frequency", pink noise is "equal energy per octave".

To use this plug-in, you first need to generate a stereo track in

Audacity (alt+p, s in Audacity pre-1.3, alt+t, n, s in 1.3 and

later), which creates a blank stereo track so you can generate the

stereo audio. Open the generate menu and select Binaural Tone

Generator with Surf from the drop-down menu.


1. Left channel tone frequency: from 50hz to 1000hz, default 100hz.

2. Beat frequency: from 0.1hz to 30hz, default 4hz. the tone

produced in the right speaker is the left speaker tone frequency

plus the beat frequency.

3. Background noise 0=white 1=pink: default pink noise.

4. Stereo noise (surf) frequency: from 0hz to 2hz, default 0.1 hz. 

If this setting is above 0hz, the noise sound will be panned back

and forth somewhere between the left and right speakers, how far

depends on the next setting:

5. Stereo surf spread - percent: between 0 and 100percent, default

80%. The larger this number the wider the surf sound will move away

from the center pan position. 0% will result in the noise remaining

in the center pan position.

6. tone to surf volume ratio - percent: from 0 to 100 percent,

default 70%. this is to adjust the relative volume of the tones and

surf sound.

8. Overall amplitude - percent: from 0 to 100 percent, default 80%.

9. Duration in seconds: from 60 seconds to 1200 seconds (ten

minutes), default 60 seconds.

I've used this plug-in with headphones, playing the generated audio

repeatedly by pressing the 'l' key (for 'loop play') on the

computer keypad. 

Happy experimenting!

Written by David R. Sky, September 2, 2006.

thanks to Steven Jones for the pink noise generator from his

pink.lsp Nyquist file.

Released under terms of the GNU Public License



; convert ratio to true [non-percentage] value

(setf ratio (* ratio 0.01))

; Pink noise generator by Steven Jones

(defun pink (&optional (dur 1)(cutoff (/ *sound-srate* 16.0)))  

(lowpass6 (noise dur) cutoff))

; function to generate white or pink noise

(defun get-noise (noise-type dur)


((= noise-type 0) (mult 0.98 (noise dur)))

(t (mult 0.98 (pink dur)))

) ; end cond

) ; end defun get-noise

(defun get-ocean (beat-f surf-f)


((= surf-f 0) 0)

(t (lfo surf-f dur))

) ; end cond

) ; end defun get-ocean

; Butterfly function: used here to bring

; single channel of noise into apparent center 

; of stereo field, and to produce

; stereo ocean wave oscillations

(defun butterfly (width sound) 


; left channel

(sum (mult (aref sound 0) (sum width 1) 0.5)

(mult (aref sound 1) (sum width -1) -0.5))

; right channel

(sum (mult (aref sound 1) (sum width 1) 0.5)(mult (aref sound 0)

(sum width -1) -0.5))))

; Generating binaural tone with background noise

(mult amp 0.01 (sim

(mult ratio (vector

(osc (hz-to-step f) dur *sine-table*)

(osc (hz-to-step (+ f beat-f)) dur *sine-table*)

) ; end tone vector

) ; end mult

(butterfly (mult spread 0.01 (get-ocean beat-f surf-f)) 

(mult (- 1.0 ratio) (vector

(get-noise noise-type dur)

(s-rest dur)

) ; end noise vector

) ; end mult

) ; end butterfly

) ; end sim

) ; end mult amp

Other related posts:

  • » [audacity4blind] New plug-in: Binaural tone generator with surf