[atari7800] SpaceWar 7800 update

  • From: "Eric Ball" <ek-ball@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <atari7800@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 22 Feb 2004 21:18:47 -0500

For those interested, I have been doing work on SpaceWar 7800 again.  I
reworked the kernel to use the techniques used in by balldemo.  (Namely
storing the end of list indicies in ZP RAM and having Y=0 be at the top of
the frame.)  My current challenge is the player to shot collision detection
routine, which will be pixel perfect.  Once that is working, I'll update the
source & binaries on the website.

Unfortunately the videobrewery.com databases were recently destroyed by a
hacker and no backups exist (other than web caches and archives).  It also
may be some time before the site is back up and running normally.  I may
still do a development diary, but it will probably be simple static pages.

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