[asi_xc] Re: 8/10-11?

  • From: Omri Kalinsky <omri@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: asi_xc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 9 Aug 2019 17:54:37 -0700

So tomorrow my guess is we should get weak to moderate wave, I'm seeing 30-35 knot SW winds at 18k throughout the entire region. Not sure if it'll blue or lenny wave. The convective lift will only go to the low teens in our area, so I don't think the convection will interfere much with the wave, especially early. Some chance of rain just W of us early around noon. The winds will remain throughout the day so with a late landing, a nice long distance flight is a real possibility.
Sunday looks like a weak thermal day. Probably blue, again lift going into the low teens. 15 knots or so of SW winds aloft, enough to make the thermals harder to work but most likely not enough for wave.
I plan on giving it a go both days as usual.

Happy Soaring,
    SL aka Omri

On 8/9/19 5:19 PM, David Prather (Redacted sender dwprather68 for DMARC) wrote:

It looks like we have a front moving through. The RASP and NAM show high southwest winds in the boundary layer and relatively low max attainable altitudes.

There is indication from the RASP 500 mb vertical velocity that there could be wave. What are you all seeing and who is planning to fly this weekend?


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