[argyllcms] Re: Ultra saturation of reds and yellows

  • From: carlo rondinelli <carlo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: argyllcms@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 29 Nov 2013 18:46:04 +0100

The following are the command lines I use to generate the target, the reading of the target and the creation of the ICC profile (xyz I replace it from time to time with the real name of the print paper). The tool is a ColorMunki Photo. The target, after printing, are allowed to dry for at least 48 hours before the reading with the ColorMunki. Before printing the targets to determine the type of media paper (matt paper, photo paper, fine art matt ecc.) I print always a file of 21 patches from white to black. In the zip file there are targets with all the measurements and the ICC profile.

Thanks again for your attention.

targen -v -d2 -f1658 Pro_9500_Mark_II_xyz

printtarg -v -iCM -h -t360 -p285x400 Pro_9500_Mark_II_xyz

chartread -v -H -B Pro_9500_Mark_II_xyz

colprof -v -qh -no -np -ni -i D50 -o 1931_2 -S AdobeRGB1998.icc -cmd -dpp Pro_9500_Mark_II_xyz

Carlo Rondinelli
Still-life, Fotografia Immersiva e Object per Virtual Tour
mob: + 39 389 9757042
skype: carlopano360

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Attachment: hahnemuhle_bamboo.zip
Description: Zip archive

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