[argyllcms] Re: Continuous reading mode ambient light temperature

  • From: Gerhard Fuernkranz <nospam456@xxxxxx>
  • To: argyllcms@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 30 May 2011 01:02:33 +0200

Am 29.05.2011 23:37, schrieb Alastair M. Robinson:
In your situation that's not the case - your eyes will be adapted to the white 
of the paper you're painting on, which will change as the lighting changes.

I have doubts that one can really remain adapted to the paper white when the 
eyes are focusing objects on the display, and the display has a different white 
point. IMO the vision's adaptation starts changing quite fast when the eyes 
move around (though it takes a while until it finally settles to the new 
adapted white point when the eyes stop moving).

The appearance of an absolute colorimetric soft proof (with a white point 
different from the display's native one) can IMO be disturbed as well, by other 
images/objects displayed on the same screen using the native white display 
white point. So either all other objects (window borders, etc.) on the screen 
should have colors which are so meaningless and unrelated that they don't 
attract any cognitive adaptation, or - even better - the soft proof image 
should be displayed full-screen.


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