[argyllcms] Re: ArgyllCMS 1.40 / Fedora 17 dispwin -I fails

  • From: Richard Hughes <hughsient@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: argyllcms@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 20 Dec 2012 06:20:46 +0000

On 20 December 2012 00:53, Graeme Gill <graeme@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>         what I'd like is for the functionality to be the same, thereby 
> avoiding
> the whole issue.

Yes, 100% agreed.

> What library do I dlopen(), and what function do I dlsym() and then
> call to install and uninstall a profile ?

Well, in colord, "importing" a profile for a device is actually 3 steps:

1. Copying the profile to the user color directory (~/.local/share/icc/)
2. Adding the profile to a device
3. Setting the profile to be the default profile on the device

When 1 happens, the session framework component (gnome-settings-daemon
in GNOME, colord-kde in KDE) notices the new profile appearing, and
does CreateProfile() opens the file and passes the file descriptor to
colord. colord reads from the FD using lcms2 and creates a DBus object
and exports it on the bus.
For 2 to happen, the Device.AddProfile() method is called, using the
DBus object path of the profile we just created. If we add the profile
using a "relation" of soft then it's a relationship we should use if
the user hasn't specified anything manually. If it's a relation of
"hard" then it's something the user has explicitly chosen and will
override any automatic profiles (e.g. EDID profiles). A database entry
is created for the profile<->device and saved with a timestamp in the
database. This means that on future boots, if the device and profile
appear together (in any order) then the profile is auto-assigned to
the device. When the session framework component notices that the
Device.Profiles property has changed it applies the VCGT of the first
profile in the list.
If it's a hard mapping (user choice) then we don't need to do step 3 at all.

Uninstalling is either the act of calling Device.RemoveProfile() on
the correct device or simply deleting the profile from
~/.local/share/icc/ -- obviously you'd want a prompt to confirm if you
do the latter.

So, what do you need to do. I'm assuming you don't want to hard depend
on libcolord, although this is probably the sanest thing to do on
Linux from my point of view. I can do two things for you if you want:

* Write the ~30 lines of synchronous C (using libcolord) that imports
the profile and adds the profile to the device with a hard mapping
* Install a new helper that can be used like
"/usr/libexec/colord-import-profile LVDS1 /tmp/profile.icc"

Let me know what you want me to do, thanks.


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