[amc] Fw: Please give immediate attention (Western District Conference)

  • From: "Ray Gingerich" <RGingerich@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "Austin Mennonite Church" <amc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 11 Dec 2003 15:13:13 -0600

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Dorothy Nickel Friesen 
To: Western District Conference 
Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2003 3:00 PM
Subject: Fw: Please give immediate attention 

To:         Area Conferences Leaders 
From:      Jim Schrag, Executive Director

Attached is the letter inviting churchwide giving.  We are asking you to 
forward this by email (if possible) to your congregations.  

We had thought of sending this by slow mail to churches, but the lateness of 
the season requires a quicker method.  If you forward immediately, perhaps some 
churches can copy this letter and have it in their mailboxes by this coming 
Sunday.  Thank you very much for assisting us in this way. 

Here is a suggested note for congregations:  
    "This letter comes from the Executive Board for copying and distribution in 
your church mailboxes on Sunday, December 14, or December 21.  We hope that it 
encourages generosity within your congregation, your conference, and beyond, to 
the ministries of the wider church. Thank you for making copies and 
distributing them."

Shelley Buller
Executive Assistant
Mennonite Church USA Executive Board
Great Plains Office (Newton, Kan.)
316-283-5155, ext. 249


                                                                722 Main Street

                                                                P. O. Box 347

                                                                Newton KS  

                                                                T:  316-283-5100

                                                                F:  316-283-0454

                                                E:  JimS@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx



December 2003



For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; 
then I shall understand fully, even as I have been fully understood. And now 
faith, hope, and love abide, these three; and the greatest of these is love.

                                 -1 Corinthians 13:12-13 RSV  


Dear Friends, 


In the midst of our great anticipation and celebration of the birth of our Lord 
and Savior, Jesus Christ, you may wonder why I would choose to reflect upon a 
verse from 1 Corinthians.    


Perhaps this particular chapter draws me now because it speaks to matters of 
the heart. The Apostle Paul wrote that "love is the greatest" thing -- even 
greater than faith and hope.  


And "love" is what I ponder now during this wondrous season - God's profound 
love for us made visible, made human in the birth of God's Son, Jesus the 
Christ Child. We can only know, only fathom in part the significance of God's 
gift to us in Jesus.  But one day we will understand fully!


As I reflect on God's love toward us in Jesus, I think, too, of God's love for 
our young denomination, Mennonite Church USA. In spite of our early, faltering 
steps to become all that we believe God is calling us to be, we know that God 
loves us and is with us! In spite of our seeing now in a mirror dimly, God 
continues to call us to leave the lakeshores of our content, to follow our Lord 
and our Love with faith, hope and love. God calls our unified denomination to 
see anew all the possibilities before us to proclaim the good news of Jesus 
Christ to a broken world.


I invite you to extend the love and light of Jesus throughout our land, from 
across the street to around the world, by giving generously to the mission and 
ministry of Mennonite Church USA -- through your congregation, area conference, 
churchwide agencies, or other forms of ministry.


We may now only glimpse in part the significance of our gifts to God's work 
through these earthly vessels of mission. But one day we will understand fully!


Let me share just a few of the ways your gifts to the ministries of Mennonite 
Church USA are extending the love and light of Jesus Christ, bringing God's 
healing and hope to the world:


·                   With your gifts to your area conference, you extend God's 
love and bring healing and hope to the relationships you have with your sister 
congregations. Your conference gathers your congregation with others for 
fellowship and discernment, and  gives access to other regional ministries of 
the church like camps and colleges. Your conference minister pastors your 
pastor and supports various ministries with your youth. Your gift to your area 
conference is multiplied in so many different ways -- providing vital services 
for your growth and nurture as a congregation and members of the body of 


·                     With your gifts to Mennonite Mission Network, you extend 
God's love and bring healing and hope to 54 countries across the globe. In West 
Africa, for instance, more than 400 students have already graduated from the 
Benin Bible Institute, founded by Mennonite mission workers in response to the 
Beninese churches' request for Bible training and leadership development. When 
students return to their remote villages, they in turn often teach the courses 
to others. Who knows how many lives your gift will eventually impact?


·                     By giving to Mennonite Education Agency, you extend God's 
love and bring healing and hope to children, youth, and adults in some 40 
Mennonite schools, colleges, universities, and seminaries. One person at a 
time, those who lead and learn through Mennonite education are building up our 
churches, our communities, and our world. Who can tell how many lives your gift 
will ultimately touch?


·                     With your gifts to Mennonite Publishing Network, you 
extend God's love and bring healing and hope to all ages -- through books, 
Sunday School and Vacation Bible School materials, pamphlets, magazines, adult 
and youth Bible studies, hymnals, CDs, videos. . . . Thousands of people could 
possibly come to know Jesus Christ or grow in their walk with God as the result 
of your generosity.


·                     Through your gifts to MMA (Mennonite Mutual Aid), you 
extend God's love and bring healing and hope through "sharing funds" to those 
who are in need of assistance in your congregation and in congregations 
throughout the country. As those who are helped recover their footing, perhaps 
they, too, will be able to share in ways they could never have imagined.


A recent survey found that Mennonites give more to their denominational mission 
ministries than do many other faith groups. We are a close-knit community of 
believers who are truly committed to reaching out to others, extending the love 
and light of Jesus Christ.


As we prepare, once again, for our Lord's coming among us and celebrate his 
blessed birth, may we bring to the Holy One our gifts of faith, hope, and love. 
And may the love of Christ enable us to extend, even beyond our wildest 
imaginations, God's healing and hope throughout the world.


In Christ's Love,





Jim Schrag

Executive Director

Mennonite Church USA 



P.S. You may have already received invitations to support your Mennonite 
congregation, area conference, churchwide agencies, or other ministries with 
your year-end giving. You can use their return envelopes to mail your gifts, or 
check the attached page for mailing information. We sincerely thank you for 
your generosity. Please know that your contributions to each of these 
ministries extend God's healing and hope to the world.  This is the vision of 
your denomination, Mennonite Church USA.



                                                                722 Main Street

                                                                P. O. Box 347

                                                                Newton KS  

                                                                T:  316-283-5100

                                                                F:  316-283-0454

                                                E:  JimS@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx



My Gifts to Extend God's Love and Light






City ______________________ State _____ Zip __________


Phone______________________ Email_____________________________


   Thank you for your generosity. Your gifts are important to    

   proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ.


   In addition to the gifts you will be offering to your congregation, 

   please indicate below the Mennonite Church USA ministry you'd like 

   to support to extend God's love, healing and hope: 



            Your Area Conference                 

              Please send your gifts directly to your

              area conference. If you don't have the 

              address, check with your church office

              or call 1-866-866-2872 for assistance.


            Mennonite Mission Network            $ ______________


            Mennonite Education Agency           $ ______________


            Mennonite Publishing Network         $ ______________


            MMA (Sharing Fund)                   $ ______________

















Please make your check payable to Mennonite Church USA and mail to: 

Mennonite Church USA 

P. O. Box 347

Newton, KS 67114-0347


You will receive a receipt.


May the love and light of Jesus Christ enfold you this season.


Jim Schrag

Executive Director

Mennonite Church USA

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Other related posts:

  • » [amc] Fw: Please give immediate attention (Western District Conference)