[amayausers.com] Re: warranty

  • From: theboards@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • To: amayausers@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 2 Aug 2009 16:08:34 UT

This message was posted by Steve on AmayaUsers.com. PLEASE DO NOT REPLY VIA 
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I have had 5 salespeople in the past 5 years. (To be honest I have no clue who 
my current salesperson is since the last one passed away a year ago.) You would 
think Melco could at least send an email informing everyone in that territory 
who the new salesperson is so Denver's receptionist isn't flooded with "who is 
my salesperson now?" Or how about a personal touch, have the new salesperson 
call every customer and say "Hi I'm your new Melco salesperson and here is my 
number if you need anything"
Gerald used to be my parents salesperson when he covered Maryland (Melco took 
Maryland away from Gerald about 10 yeas ago.) My parents never had a problem 
with him and he would call about every 6 months or so just to check in (and of 
course ask if they need another machine. It really wasn't a sales call but just 
to check in and chat and see if we need anything which was great.) Gerald is 
very good at following up and solving issues. Once Gerald was no longer the 
salesperson for Maryland, everything went downhill from there as far as 
salespeople go. I have never had a salesperson call me since 2002 (2002 is when 
I stated my biz but my parents had been customers since well before then) to 
see how things are going for me. The personal touch really left when Gerald 
lost Maryland and never got it back. If Gerald was still my sales rep, I would 
probably buy another Melco because he can get things done if you ask him and 
handles isues. I still haven't gotten an answer as for why Mel
 co couldn't tell me why they can't notify their customers Live Designer is 
about to expire and ask if we wanted renewed instead of just pulling all the 
content thinking it's the customers responsibility to call a sales rep to pay 
again for another 12 months. Sales people are on commission, they should be 
calling me, not the other way around when something is about to expire. I know 
Gerald would be slamming some heads around in Denver if I called him on this. 
No one at Melco seems to care about my business. It's amazing the difference 
one salesperson in a company can make.


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