[amayausers.com] Re: Rotating tool in OS problem

  • From: theboards@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • To: amayausers@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 5 Dec 2009 20:28:11 UT

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Not sure why the service techs would be perplexed by this. I reported this 
issue during the first week V9 was released. What finally resolved this issue 
was a new video card. Version 9 uses the "GL Open Application" in Windows and 
you need an accelerated video card to accommodate the version that Melco used 
when programming Ver.9. As the software versions upgrade, they tend to need 
more hardware to support it. Since I got a new video card and monitor, I have 
not had the problem. I'm running Windows 7 also.

I also found that in V9, the colors are now defaulting to Madeira which is 
frustrating. Any one else run into a fix for that? I know I can't get ARC 
thread anymore, but I'm not changing all my numbers and thread colors on 
everything. If I change the default to ARC or Isacord or whatever, it doesn't 
hold. It goes to Madeira, even when I right-click and change the color to an 
ARC color, it won't change it. I have to right-click on the left part of the 
screen palette, and then it will take the change.

And, more still, another glitch is when I send my design to print, it won't 
unless I have it in 3D mode. Is this shared among others?


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