[amayausers.com] Re: Patch Help??

  • From: webmaster@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • To: amayausers@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 21 May 2008 17:20:31 UT

This message was posted by Aaron on AmayaUsers.com. PLEASE DO NOT REPLY VIA 
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$2.25 x 2 = $4.50 -25% off comes out to $3.37 which is in the ballpark of where 
I am.  They were getting them before for $3.40 so I figured its better to do 
them for $3.25 and make a few hundred bucks for placing the order and letting 
someone else do the work then to let them go to the other people.  After I did 
this for them they started bringing in items from different departments and 5 
years later I now do a large porion of the Sheriffs Department embroidery which 
is about a $10,000.00 a year account so I think making a little less for 
something that I am just a middle man on has worked out pretty well.  All of 
thier shirts, jackets, hats, uniforms go to them at regular retail prices and I 
have also got a few other accounts such as Rotary and Lions from Shiriff's that 
are involved with those organizations.  This is not the only patch job that has 
turned into other work so I think my strategy of selling patches for a good 
price has paud off and I don't feel I am undersellin
 g myself.

On a related matter I single names for walk in customers for around $3-4 
depending on how I read the customer and have been told I do names way to cheap 
but I have gotten so much business off doing this that taking a little loss by 
doing a $5-8 name for less has paid off as well.


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