[amayausers.com] Re: Machine Error Still occuring

  • From: webmaster@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • To: amayausers@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 8 Sep 2008 23:26:10 UT

This message was posted by Jason on AmayaUsers.com. PLEASE DO NOT REPLY VIA 
EMAIL. Instead, respond to the thread on the WEBSITE by clicking here: 

OK - I am going to post this again.  I am continuing to get this problem.

Selector error - Not on Index when sewing.

When it does this it sounds like the machine missed a trim and stops with 
thread still attached.  When it stops it somehow shift the hoop location 
up/down between 1/8 and 1/16".  so if I restart the machine it wont line up.  I 
then have to try to manual realign the design.  Sometimes I can do it other 
times cannot.  It happens at random on both of my machines.  I can never 
predict it happening.  I have a box of ruined product in the $300 range.  I 
went 3 months without a job and finally they started rolling in.  But lost a 
min of $100 profit on each job because of these problems.  I have called Tech 
supports 3 times.  They have walked me through cleaning the selector area, 
trimmer...etc.  They even had me open the circuit board area and disconnect and 
then reconnect all cables.  They suggested I try a beta patch and see what 
happens, but it come with its own possible problems.  I also reworked my 
network connections.

I cannot afford to have these problems occur anymore.  I can handle myself 
making a mistake, but it seems like Melco has some serious issues with these 
two machines and nobody can figure it out.  And it is all at my expense.

It has gotten to the point that with every order I have to order extra product 
just to account for this happening.  It is going to put me out of business very 
soon.  Hopefully someone has experienced this problem and can shed some light 
on it.  My local tech has told me it could be a bad circuit board, but Melco 
says its not and wont even address it anymore.

Please help!  Also does anyone experience problems with Design SHop running on 
a computer with Vista.

Jason - AMA Embroidery & Design
www.amaembroidery.com (http://www.amaembroidery.com)


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