[24hoursupport] Re: gator

  • From: "Wyatt M. Portendt" <nunyabidness6@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: 24hoursupport@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 16 May 2003 01:42:45 -0500


It would seem that such a valuable and fine program would *want* people to
know about its presence, true?  Wouldn't the fact that it hides itself from
view, replicates itself indefinitely, and avoids removal by normal and
extreme means (hmmmm like a virus, huh?) sorta raise some red flags?
Wouldn't the fact that you downloaded program "a", and, coincidentally, at
the same time another program that you have no clue how it got there or
what it does sort of make you suspicious?

I don't care how many people say spyware is not that big of a deal, I
believe the methods of delivery and the nature of what they do say enough
for a person of reasonable intelligence to NOT want them and be more than a
little concerned at what they *could* do without our knowlege.


On 5/15/2003 at 1:39 PM a whisper was heard, and the one known as Ron
Allen was rumoured to have uttered....

          |  On Thu, 15 May 2003 09:23:10 -0400
          |    "joe" <mezz@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
          |  >> I had gator for about 4 years and had no problems with 
          |  >>my privacy. 
          |  >
          |  >None that you know of that is.
          |  Exactly.
          |  Gator is absolutely without question spyware, and the 
          |  policies and tactics of the company are utterly 
          |  reprehensible. They do all they can to install their 
          |  spyware on every user's system without their knowledge or 
          |  to trick unwary users into installing their spyware 
          |  through lies and misdirection. They are the epitome of an 
          |  Internet company that crosses the line and their practices 
          |  should be stopped and outlawed. IMO, of course.
          |  Ron
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********* And So It Was ***********

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