Special Interest

Techology-related hobbies and groups

ListRank: 2ListRank: 2

San Francisco Bay Area firearms discussion and announcements

San Francisco Bay Area firearms discussion and announcements

ListRank: 2ListRank: 2

ACSM's Non-Invasive Physiology interest group

This listserv is made up of members of the ACSM's Non-Invasive Physiology interest group.

ListRank: 0ListRank: 0

Etele �t 15-25.

Az Etele �t 15-25. t�mb lak�k�z�ss�g�nek levelez�si list�ja. Itt megbesz�lhetj�k �tleteinket, javaslatainkat, megvitathatjuk probl�m�inkat. De k�rj�k minden tagunkat, abb�l induljon ki, hogy egy helyen lakunk, �s egyik�nknek sem lehet �rdeke, hogy rossz legyen itt lakni! Seg�ts�k, t�j�koztassuk egym�st, �s ha valaki szerint�nk t�ved, jelezz�k ezt, de ne feledkezz�nk el arr�l sem, hogy magunk is t�vedhet�nk! A lista c�lja az �sszefog�s �s nem a sz�th�z�s. Haszn�lj�k a k�z�ss�g �rdek�ben!

ListRank: 0ListRank: 0

Spyware Weekly

Your weekly source of news and information about spyware and privacy issues. Included will be links to news stories about issues effecting your privacy, alerts about newly discovered spyware and products discovered to be bundling spyware, links to software that can help you safeguard your computer, tips and instructions on how to protect yourself from prying eyes, and stories from readers about their experiences with spyware or privacy violations.

ListRank: 0ListRank: 0

Amateur Radio Lighthouse Society

For lighthouse enthusiasts, especially if licensed ham radio operators, but not limited to same.

ListRank: 0ListRank: 0

Baltimore Citywide Trauma Initiative

This listserv is for organizations, individuals and institutions interested in contributing to a citywide system for addressing trauma in Baltimore.

ListRank: 0ListRank: 0


This list, is for discussions related to, Freedomscientific's Openbook software.

ListRank: 0ListRank: 0

Mini-Apprentice Weight Challenge

Area to share ideas on the Mini-Apprentice airplane weight challenge

ListRank: 0ListRank: 0


Young Professionals and students of the science of logistics

ListRank: 0ListRank: 0

Mundo Astron�mico

Send information about astronomy news, telescope news, optical news, science in general, we have a data base of client, whom need to receive a mensual news letter, with astronomical activities and events, dates for star party, and position of planet and another astronomical objects.

ListRank: 0ListRank: 0


new developments in 'green and sustainable' technology developments in Europe, the US and the rest of the world

ListRank: 0ListRank: 0

Harley-Davidson Owners

List of friends who own a Harley-Davidson Motorcycle. Technical discussion, rides, parts and accessories swap and meeting events.

ListRank: 0ListRank: 0

Mari Language

This list is dedicated to discussion of the Mari (Cheremis) language from the typological point of view. Mari is a finno-ugric language in the Central part of Russian Federation. Points to discuss: formal morphology, semantics of the grammatical categories, reflexives and intensifiers, non-finite verb representations, complement clauses, relative clauses, adverbial clauses, discoursive markers.

ListRank: 0ListRank: 0

4WD Suzuki List

The purpose of this list is to discuss Suzuki and Geo 4WD vehicles, trail runs, 4x4 advancements and technology. Info will be offered on how to repair and upgrade Suzuki and Geo vehicles for better performance on and off the highway. I will have aftermarker vendors and Suzuki experts available to answer questions abotu performance and modifications. We have operated a list on Topica for a couple of years, but are fed up with Topicas quirks. We are looking for an email list that will more dependable and less faulty than Topica. Friendly banter and discussion will be allowed, as will html and attachments.

ListRank: 0ListRank: 0

skype voice

discussion of the skype voice chatting and instant messaging programme with screen readers for people with a vision impairment.

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