Special Interest

Techology-related hobbies and groups

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IG Raumfahrt

We are an astronautics interest group in Austria. Our primary goal in the beginning is to assemble people with an interest in astronautics. In the mid-term, we want to organize meetups and talks. And in the long-term, we would like to launch something into space.

ListRank: 10ListRank: 10


Website for the collector car hobby on Long Island. We send out a Newsletter and occasional notices of events of particular importance to the car community.

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Wildwood Neighborhood

Discussions pertinent to Wildwood Neighborhood in Atlanta, GA 30318 DO NOT POST PROMOTIONAL MATERIALS PERTAINING TO COMMERCIAL FOR-PROFIT BUSINESSES!!!!! Other digital hangouts: https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/Wildwoodneighborhood/ http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=89338761476 http://www.linkedin.com/groups?gid=1215107 https://wildwoodnpuc.nextdoor.com/

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Adaptive Technology

A list to provide a platform for discussing adaptive technology for the blind and visually impaired.

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History Camp

For members of the History Camp community (HistoryCamp.org)

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MAG Board Members

List of Melbourne Aviation Group Board Members, Used to Share information to the board

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A Dog Story

Everyone has a story to tell about how they came across their canine companion. Some are rescues and some just appeared at the door step. Some wondered the streets and some lost their human companions. What's your story?

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Eglin Parent Advisory Council

Email list for notifications from the Eglin Parent Advisory Council.

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CRUE - Computer Refurbishers United Exchange

CRUE, Computer Refurbisher's United Exchange is a list for the exchange of computer refurbishing ideas and techniques. An example conversation topic might be how to build a hard drive wiping machine.

ListRank: 10ListRank: 10

A Thinking Partnership Discussion List

A group where members working or training in the application of Thinking Environment practices discuss The Thinking Environment.

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Autonomist Socialism

Welcome anarcho-socialists and autonomous Marxists. This is for people going to one of the #occupy movement, hoping to start one, and supporters, to provide mutual-aid.

ListRank: 10ListRank: 10

A group where graffiti-related information is shared

The initiative for this discussion mailing list was born during the goINDIGO 2023 graffiti symposium in Vienna, Austria. Everybody interested in discussing or sharing (academic or non-academic) graffiti-related stuff is welcome.

ListRank: 10ListRank: 10

blind smarthome

A group for discussing issues related to the creation of a smart home, voice assistants, and speech technologies. If you are blind and don't know how to start creating your world's best smart home, join in and ask. If you are blind and you have already created your smart home, join and help beginners users. If you are blind and do not want to create a smart home, join and read, it will be interesting!

ListRank: 10ListRank: 10


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ListRank: 10ListRank: 10


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