Special Interest

Techology-related hobbies and groups

ListRank: 22ListRank: 22

Yoga Jap

Questo spazio vuole essere un punto di incontro di chi vuole condividere, anche attraverso una mailing list, il cammino e le iniziative del "Centro Yoga Jap", nato da un'idea di Sujan Singh e Jot Prakash Kaur per coinvolgere amici, studenti e insegnanti accumunati dall'esperienza della pratica del Kundalini Yoga secondo gli insegnamenti di Yogi Bhajan.

ListRank: 22ListRank: 22

Motorcycle Performance Newsletter

Specials, announcements, and events occurring at Motorcycle Performance.

ListRank: 22ListRank: 22

Vernon DDA

Vernon DDA Neighborhood Group - Skyline/Townline

ListRank: 22ListRank: 22

Gurmukhi Classes

For students of the Gurmukhi Language and Gurmukhi Script (from 16th century North India). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gurmukh%C4%AB_alphabet

ListRank: 22ListRank: 22

Rodrigo Gomez de la Torre

Variuos topics of discussion about the the reality of Ecuador, in agriculture and cattle areas. Innovation, regulations and laws that involve production

ListRank: 22ListRank: 22

PL Flight Exchange

A flight exchange for Smartwings pilots based in Poland

ListRank: 22ListRank: 22


e-mail list for all members of the master program "Sprechwissenschaft Rhetorik Phonetik Sprechkunst 2010" on the university Halle-Wittenberg, to exchange news and important information

ListRank: 22ListRank: 22

EPI2 Project Leaders

A group of Project Leaders discussing EPI2 project management topics

ListRank: 22ListRank: 22

RMS News

A mailing list for members of East Bay POS user community on Microsoft RMS or POS software, to provide information about known issues and future enhancements of these applications.

ListRank: 22ListRank: 22

Not on My Campus Email List

A student organization against sexual assault on campus. This list will serve as a way to distribute information about how Sam Houston State University students can be an active voice in the Bearkat community against sexual violence. It will tell them about events, volunteer opportunities, and connections with other organizations in the community engaged in a similar cause.

ListRank: 22ListRank: 22

Greener FERC

For co-workers to discuss a greener, sustainable work environment through technology implementations and habit improvements.

ListRank: 22ListRank: 22

Bellingham Chess

Bellingham Knights Chess Club membership list.

ListRank: 22ListRank: 22

[Abi 1958]

This list is supposed to be a mailing list for the highschool generation from 1958 for the highschool Ettlingen Germany.

ListRank: 22ListRank: 22

MVUUC Chalice circle Monday Meeting

This list would be to make announcements on Chalice Circle Meetings held at The Monte Vista Unitarian Universalist Congregation. 9185 Monte Vista Ave, Montclair, California. Chalice Circles are small groups that meet regularly to deepen their relationships with each other and to grow spiritually. Chalice circles provide an open and supportive environment in which the inherent worth and dignity of each community member is respected, one that specifically promotes making connections and developing friendships within our congregation, and supports spiritual growth and the search for truth and meaning. A Chalice Circle consists of 6-10 people, including a facilitator and assistant facilitator. The facilitators, who are supervised by the parish minister, participate fully in the group and also come to monthly meetings led by the planning committee and the minister for ongoing support, skill building, and problem solving. Each group meets twice a month for about two hours. If the facilitator is available and the group unanimously agrees, the group can meet more often.

ListRank: 22ListRank: 22

WAR THEN PEACE . ORG : Announcements

WAR THEN PEACE . ORG is a for vets by vets organization designed to help vets find peace and independence. This is our announcements distribution list. Welcome to the family.

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