Special Interest

Techology-related hobbies and groups

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This mailing list is for the people participating to Labora, an open laboratory for exploring meditation and other techniques for working on the self and on the relationship with the other. Anyone can join, provided s/he can also participate in person to the activities.

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Guildford East District Scouts - Events

A discussion list for Scout leaders within Guildford East District to discuss events and competitions, with a focus on looking at building teams that can develop ideas into scheduled events.

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Russian Imperial Dress Culture Group

This is the mailing list of the Russian Imperial Dress Culture Group designed to help researchers interested in all aspects of dress culture in Imperial Russia keep in touch.

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Friends of Rupert Spira

A mailing list supporting the Friends of Rupert Spira online discussion group. Rupert Spira is a spiritual teacher in the nondual Advaita Vedanta tradition. (http://non-duality.rupertspira.com/) The members of this group are people from around the world who actively participate in retreats, webinars, and other events offered by Rupert, who are interested in ongoing discussion of these ancient teachings in a modern context. The list also provides a method to organize and announce our regular online Hangouts for live discussion.

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Quang Ganh Lo Di Backpackers

Purpose of this Mailing List is sharing backpacking experience (trips, gears, cooking tips, etc) and stay healthy.

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Snippets From James S. Huggins' Refrigerator Door

From time to time, James S. Huggins publishes Snippets. Snippets is an irregular email ezine (ISSN 1530-9622) containing information of interest. Technology topics always constitute the bulk of the information in a Snippets issue. But the technology topics are wide ranging and varied, and usually include the impact of technology on society, culture, business, media and on our daily lives. In addition, some non-technology topics may also be included if they are current and of interest to the author.

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GSMSandwich Mailing List

GSMSandwich is an organization of Mobile Phone Technicians, afficionados, and researchers in the field of Cellular Phone repair and computer experts, hobbist.

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Salisbury VIST technology group

This group is for sharing technology information for people with vision impairments in the Salisbury VA.

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A group to discuss the idea of NO TIME - NO SPACE, share experiences and insights related to this subject and finally discuss how we can use this concept to help create positive manifestations to help our world see more harmony.

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Hartford Area SAS User Group

List of active Members of HASUG

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Scratch Builder Association of Thailand - a non profit discussion community & mailing list - provide in-depth, step-by-step instructions on how to successfully build and customize a Radio Control Project. Most subjects are locallized in Thai Encoding.

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bird sightings and happenings in the central Kentucky area

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Sangat Köln Bonn

Die Mailingliste ist ein Verknüpfungspunkt und Informationskanal für die Kundalini Yoga Sangat in Köln, Bonn und Umgebung. Hier kannst du mit anderen Praktizierenden in Kontakt treten und Events für die Gemeinschaft organisieren und bekannt geben, wie beispielsweise Workshops, Sadhana oder Sangat-Treffen. Die Liste steht allen Kundalini Yogis und Yoginis offen, unabhängig von Schulzugehörigkeit. Hauptsächlich richtet sich die Liste zwar an Lehrer/innen, interessierte ohne Lehrerausbildung sollen sich aber nicht ausgeschlossen fühlen.

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NeilAndBasti.com is a blog by Neil & Basti about travel and food

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Email newsletter for updates from matexperience.com. Everything related to yerba mate - reviews, educational articles, tutorials.

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