Special Interest

Techology-related hobbies and groups

ListRank: 12ListRank: 12

National Association for Municipal Courts

A resource for Municipal Court judges, magistrates, and administrators to share information and seek assistance on issues of common concern.

ListRank: 12ListRank: 12

Chronic Pain Support Group

Chronic Pain Support Group. A good description can be found at our defunct (inactive) web page. http://groupspaces.com/ChronicPainSupportGroup/

ListRank: 12ListRank: 12


Esquimalt Local Cycling Committee

ListRank: 12ListRank: 12

Telecare for Independent Living

Telecare provides support and reassurance to a vulnerable person from outside of their home, using the help of technology. A range of alarms and sensors can help manage the risks of living independently, like falling over or possible fire hazards. The technology aims to help you remain as independent as possible. Telecare has received strong support from central government, who want to see greater use of the technology throughout the country.

ListRank: 12ListRank: 12

Soccer pickup at Whetstone park

Weekly casual soccer pickup for parents and kids. Everyone is welcome. Be friendly, and have fun.

ListRank: 12ListRank: 12


All members are from the same family. The grandparents live in Barges, a house near Tournai in Belgium. The goal is sendin the mails by using one single email adress. Thanks

ListRank: 12ListRank: 12

BCOA Member List

The Burns Club of Atlanta is a social, memorial, and literary organization founded in Atlanta, Georgia in 1896. This list is for members to discuss on going BCOA projects.

ListRank: 12ListRank: 12

Pima Pistol Club-R

This is a non-profit organization of regular membership for the encouragement of organized shooting among citizens of the United States and the state of Arizona, with an emphasis to increase the knowledge of our citizens in the safe handling and proper care of firearms, as well as improved marksmanship

ListRank: 12ListRank: 12

Hiking Hounds

Northeast Ohio hiking group for dogs & their human companions. Hikes take place in Lake, Geauga and eastern Cuyahoga counties.

ListRank: 12ListRank: 12

WCC Friday Golf

Westwood Country Club Friday Golf Group

ListRank: 12ListRank: 12

Co-proprietaires SFL les arcosses

this list is composed of owners of apartments in the same sky station une french alps, the object is to share informations and news about the bulding and the life in the sky station

ListRank: 12ListRank: 12

Test For Versailles Budo

Test Freelists to replace the Yahoo group mailing list of the Versailles Budo association. Versailles Budo is a sportive association of martial arts: kendo, iaido, naginata and chambara. The mailing list is used for communication between members.

ListRank: 12ListRank: 12

Chameleon Software Solutions

This is for users of Chameleon Software by HLP Inc.

ListRank: 12ListRank: 12

Billerica Against Medical Mandates

This list discusses the recent social and political phenomena of medical mandates in the town of Billerica MA. This list is open to Billerica residents who want to discuss the topic of medical mandates in an open and respectful discourse. This list is closed to Billerica non-residents.

ListRank: 12ListRank: 12

Braille Sense Discussion

This is a forum for discussion of all aspects of the Braille Sense notetaker. The Braille Sense is a notetaker designed for blind and low vision users. Topics of discussion can include, but are not limited to, every day use, technical issues, and discussion of possible improvements. Community support is an extremely important factor in deciding what technology is best for you, and I hope this list will serve to help current and potential Braille Sense users. For more information on the Braille Sense, go to: http://www.braillesense.com

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