[vi-android] Re: suggestions for a newbie

  • From: "David Arocho" <darocho@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <vi-android@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 10 Jun 2014 14:16:50 -0400

From all I have been able to glean from many sources, including this list,
one has to be clear about what goals and objectives one has for a smart
phone before you can decide whether to go for an android or an iPhone.  If
you want a consistent interface and a stable speech technology the n you
want to go for the I-phone.  If you are the kind that likes to get your
hands dirty, tinker with the internals, and to be on the cutting edge you
will probably choose an android.  The answer is not any different for a
totally blind person.

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