[uae] Re: Source code snapshot

  • From: Richard Drummond <evilrich@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: uae@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 15 Sep 2004 08:19:26 -0500

Hi Fred

On Wednesday 15 September 2004 05:00 am, Fred Itschner wrote:
> Hm, seems to be a nice thing, but but how can build it from
> e-uae-0.8.27-CVS?
> I tried to get info from sourceforge.net but that's to much for me.
> Is there a way for an average user to build it on MacOS X
> or should I better wait for a such a download some time?

Currently you need the Fink installed to build the OS X version from that 
tarball. There are some bits of glue that I haven't included in that version 
that are required if you want to build against the SDL framework (i.e. the 
version of SDL for OS X that is available at http://www.libsdl.org/). This 
will be fixed shortly.

A brief guide to building a version against SDL:

(BTW, you need the libsdl-dev Fink package installed  - and the libgtk-dev 
package if you want the Gtk GUI. I don't remember the precise package names 

1) Unpack the tarball 

2) Open a terminal and CD to wherever you unpacked the source.

3) Enter :
./configure --with-sdl-gfx --with-sdl-sound

4) Enter:

5) Go have a cup of your favorite beverage while you wait for it to compile.

If you want to build it with SCSI emulation, this takes a bit more work. 

> I currently use the uae-osx-sdl-20040828 which works fine but rather
> slow.

What system are you running it on (CPU, OS X version, SDL version)?


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