RE: [tuning-math] A 5-limit, "geometric" temperament list

  • From: Carl Lumma <carl@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: tuning-math@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 23 Jul 2002 13:45:21 -0700

>It might be useful, or at least fun, to specify exactly *which* flavors of
>these temperaments we're evaluating. For example, "meantone" really is
>7/26-comma meantone, right? And pelogic is 7/26-limma pelogic, yes?

That's given by the optimum generator, isn't it?

>Also, didn't we decide to refer to "quadrafourths" as "negri" instead?

I didn't know that, but it sounds good to me.



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