[rollei_list] Re: (mOT) - Printing square from bureau - and metric issues

  • From: Ferdi Stutterheim <fwstutterheim@xxxxxxx>
  • To: rollei_list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 17 Jan 2007 14:38:51 +0100

As was mentioned before paper is on a roll. Pretty much standard widths are: 10 cm - 13 cm - 15 cm - 18 cm - 20 cm - etc.

Ferdi Stutterheim,
Drachten, Netherlands.


Op 17-jan-2007, om 10:52 heeft chatanooga@xxxxxxxxx het volgende geschreven:

I have a few square (of course!) prints I'd like to get from a Frontier/ Noritsu type shop (ie no frills but pretty good quality). I'm based in Holland for a few months and there seems to be a small selection of square print sizes available in the region of 20-25cm? Or is it the case that this aspect ration is printed on the next 3:2 size up and then guillotined? Of course I can ask but in the nature of these bureaus this knowledge mightnt always be available. Another thing that I'm curious about is whether the paper sizes used are actually imperial and the quoted cm figure is a round up? This might be relevant to avoid excessive re-scaling by the printshop, etc.

(mOT) - mildly off topic

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