[rodgersorgan] Re: Baptist and Pipe Organs

  • From: Kzimmer0817@xxxxxxx
  • To: rodgersorgan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 15 Apr 2003 07:20:29 EDT


I've seen a few Baptist churches who have exposed pipes, but it's usually 
just a single rank or two.  The explanation I've heard is that they don't 
want the organ attracting attention to itself.  The sanctuaries are often 
plain, elegant, but simple.  In a Baptist church, the niche for the baptismal 
pool generally takes the forefront.

Regarding these organists who are soooooooooo possessive of their 
instruments, I wonder how that attitude keeps perpetuating itself.  I guess, 
the powers that be at many churches become easily convinced by these 
organists just how delicate this expensive instrument is and that nobody 
should have access to it without permission - then they make that permission 
very difficult to get.

Organists don't seem to remember that it's not THEIR organ, but that it was 
bought and paid for by the church - or thru a donation.

I guess my question has to do with the AGO.  Does the AGO have any statement 
or opinion (even if stated in a positive light) about easy access to organs?  
Are these organists members of their local AGO chapters?  Does the organists' 
possessiveness ever filter up to the other members of the AGO?  Is there any 
peer pressure within the AGO chapters to allow access to the organs?  If 
these organists found themselves being frowned upon by their peers for their 
actions, they might change.  I wonder what a music committee would say if an 
AGO officer phoned the music director or music committee chairman to explain 
how delicate these instruments "aren't" and how to allow access while 
protecting the instrument.

Or, are these organists totally in their own world - they don't attend AGO 
meetings, they don't really interact with other musicians outside their own 
church, so there really is no way to apply pressure to them?

Anyway, just jusings,

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