[pythian] Re: PROJECT - hello

  • From: Darryl Long <pythianproject@xxxxxxx>
  • To: pythian@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 02 Jul 2002 23:47:58 -0700

  A while ago I set up FreeLists to send a welcome email whenever anyone 
subscribes.  In this I describe the naming system for emails in the 
list, so these people should all know already.  Has everyone who has 
subscribed lately received the welcome email?

One thing I don't mention in there is that when you reply to an email, 
only include the parts of the email that are actually relevant to your 
reply.  It is just a waste of bandwidth and scrolling if you include 
everything from someone's email. (It's okay if you do it by accident, 
but try to remember.)

Enough chastising... welcome n30n. 1 |-|0p3 y0u 3|\|j0y \/\/0rk1|\|9 
\/\/17h u5. \/\/3 4r3 733t |-|4x0r5.  \/\/00t! 477 y0ur 8453 4r3 
8370|\|9 70 u5!

*ahem* Sorry, I couldn't resist.  I'll shut up now.


P.S. - http://www.google.com/intl/xx-hacker/   hehe!

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