[pythian] Re: hello

  • From: "kk" <krauspe@xxxxxxx>
  • To: <pythian@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 2 Jul 2002 22:15:49 +0200

Hey - this is for everybody who has joined recently the group and receives
zillion ;) of messages - no of his interrest.

We are using a simple system to say what message is meant for what group of
people with specific interrests within the project.
It is based on short describtion just before the subject of the message.
There are several subgroups according to those prefixes:

The subject should look like:
[pythian] Re: CODE - Clipping error


[pythian] Re: PHASE2 - Animations

We are using this system because it is easy to setup rules in most common
email clients (e.g. outlook) which divide all mails from this group into the
subgroup folders. It is something many active members use and it is very
useful. So get better used to it.

And now .. about you...n30n... may I call you so?

>   My name is Bernard Osmond, and i'll be joining you in your quest to
create an open source game. I would have joined earlier but for some
> communication problems. Anyway enough about that, and onto me. I'm 17 and
an Australian (from South Brisbane actually), well almost 17 - July
> 30th is my birthday.

happy birthsday - if I would forget.

> I'm not exactly what you'd call a pascal guru, although I can write some
simple programs, unforunatley my coding skills
> arent up to the level that you need, so i'll be sticking to mission design
and when the project finally gets to be a MMORPG I, hopefully will be
> in there writing the storyline and the missions that characters can
complete. For now though, I'm sticking to writing missions for the game.

Well, I think we don't need more coders - as the new ones would need weeks
to learn the basic infrastructure of the engine. But I think we need more
good people who know how to write stories and make the player be the one who
creates his unique world by his decisions.

>   I also administrate at fucked.co.uk wich is a small online community of
people that came together for free webmail, then it grew from that (can
> anyone say blatant advertising?). I'm also an avid member of the
Brotherhood of gimps (b0g.org), and spend all my time online idiling on a
> of channels on the Undernet IRC servers.

I see you could do much for the project... what about little propagation? I
thnink we don't even need a lot of new members, but we would surely
appreciate if the project was talked about in the net (in good light - of

>   Currently I am becoming more and more intrested in PHP (I'm working on
creating a nice small, and simple website news management system),
> although i still harbour a bitter resentment for HTML, which unfortunatley
for me is becoming more popular. I use my website (again, blatant?) to
> test out my php scripts and just a place to generally store all my stuff
that i'd like to share with people.

Hmm, this means you could be able to learn a new lang. too  (as you know
pascal, php).. what about python. it is something near to both. we use it
for our internal scripting. We need a script coder.

> n30n@xxxxxxx Thanks for taking the time to listen to me, hopefully we'll
talk soon!

my pleasure..


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