Re: Help us make programming by voice possible in Linux

  • From: Chris Hofstader <cdh@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: programmingblind@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 09 Jul 2010 11:16:22 -0400

At the Georgia Tech Rehabilitation Research and engineering Center (RERC) on Woorkplace accomodations there has been some serious work done on blind computer users and the massively disproportionate levels of RSI in the community of PWVI. When I get back to Florida, I'll call some friends up there and chase down papers and such that they have written.

Also, someone other than me should go to and search for any number of keyword combinations to find reports of injury correlated with vision impairment.

On 07/07/2010 02:13 PM, Bill Cox wrote:
I'm trying to contact programmers who can't type, and who program by
voice.  There aren't many of them.  If you know any, please forward
their contact info to me.  I also want to contact ex-programmers who
lost the ability to be employed as programmers due to typing injuries.
  I believe there is a major opportunity right now for these people to
contribute to FOSS projects that they could use to be productive
programming by voice.  This could have a huge positive impact for a
lot of good people.

There are two FOSS projects in early stage of development that look
very promising for the typing impaired, and both have very recent
releases of alpha/beta code.  VEDICS seems to be looking at at-spi
information so that users can speak menu items, buttons, and links.
This is an outstanding feature that could allow us to control
applications and surf the web by voice, without using a mouse or
keyboard.  The other project called Simon.  Is there any chance you
Simon and VEDICS guys could coordinate efforts?

Simon provides a great interface for user defined commands, which are
grouped into "scenarios", which are sets of commands for specific
applications and/or tasks.  This feature in Simon makes it very
suitable for programming by voice.  With user defined commands, a
programmer can be nearly as productive as a fast typer.  With 1,600
custom Naturally Speaking commands, I was able to keep my job as a
productive C programmer, and do everything I wanted to do in bash,
Firefox, e-mail... everything my job required.  The only time I had to
type was to enter my Windows password.  However, I was unable to share
my commands with others, as they were not grouped into scenarios, or
organised in any meaningful way.  "Senarios" in my opinion is the
right way to group those hundreds of commands that users may or may
not want on their systems.  We could have emacs-C senerios, or python
scenarios, and a bash scenario.


On Wed, Jul 7, 2010 at 6:23 AM, Nischal Rao<rao.nischal@xxxxxxxxx>  wrote:

VEDICS is now available for download at:
Do visit the project website at:
Please give us feedback about your experience using VEDICS. This would help
us in improving it.

Thanks and Regards,

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