Re: Insert takes a lot of cpu time and buffer gets

  • From: Hemant K Chitale <hkchital@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: adar666@xxxxxxxxxxxx, ORACLE-L <oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 05 Feb 2009 22:47:52 +0800

If the tablespace is an ASSM, you would see higher 'consistent gets'.

Also, if the INSERT follows a DELETE, things get worse

At 01:01 AM Thursday, Yechiel Adar wrote:
I run statspack on, windows 2000.
The server is 2 dual core cpus with 4 GB memory.

I see that 27,550 inserts costs 31 buffer gets per insert and a total of 48 seconds cpu.
They are using bind variables.
The table has no descriptors and no triggers.
The tablespace is locally managed and the table size is 500 MB with 147 extents.

There are 20 fields, from which 14 are fields that contains date values but the fields are varchar2(10).

What can cause the high buffer gets and the high cpu?

Adar Yechiel
Rechovot, Israel

Hemant K Chitale

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