RE: Important: Oracle processes taking lots of CPU

  • From: New DBA <new_dba_on_the_block@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: mwf@xxxxxxxx, sfaroult@xxxxxxxxxxxx, Tony.Adolph@xxxxxx, ORACLE-L@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 24 Nov 2004 06:53:28 -0800 (PST)

Hi Mark,

> But I'll toss in a few bits anyway. The man page
> section on the system call
> or library reference "select" is often not loaded on
> various derivatives of
> Dennis Ricthie's operating system.

Man page shows the following information (extract):

      select - synchronous I/O multiplexing

      #include <sys/time.h>

      int select(int nfds, fd_set *readfds, fd_set
*writefds, fd_set
      *errorfds, struct timeval *timeout);

      void FD_CLR(int fd, fd_set *fdset);

      int FD_ISSET(int fd, fd_set *fdset);

      void FD_SET(int fd, fd_set *fdset);

      void FD_ZERO(fd_set *fdset);

      The select() function indicates which of the
specified  file
      descriptors  is  ready for reading, ready for
writing, or has an error
      condition pending. If the specified condition is
false for all of the
      specified file descriptors, select() blocks, up
to the specified
      timeout interval, until the specified condition
is true for at least
      one  of the specified file descriptors.

      The select() function supports regular files,
terminal and pseudo-
      terminal devices, STREAMS-based files, FIFOs and
pipes. The behaviour
      of select() on file descriptors that refer to
other types of file is

Having little OS knowledge, not sure what it means!
Please let me know if you can figure out why the
process is calling this function almost infinitely and
what impact does it have!


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